
Friday, December 3, 2021

Rare Post

This is a rare post. I don't talk about religion with anybody. I respect other beliefs as long as they don't shove their beliefs down my throat. I have religious family members so i don't want to get in a discussion about religion with them. I mainly want to get my thoughts out there.

Now, these thoughts came because I'm watching a movie and people are praying. "Hail Mary, mother of God…". That made me think. Why do they say mother of God? Jesus was human, son of God and Mary. If they think Jesus Christ is a God, then there is more than God. If that is true, than there is no "one true God".

By saying "mother of God" and by saying Jesus Christ is a God, then there is more than one God. That is my understanding of it.

I don't want to insult people and that's not what I'm doing. I'm just saying stuff the way I understand them

Monday, October 26, 2020

Moved my poems

I moved my poetry offline because too many people were sharing them without giving me credit. Not mad at them.. just tired. Sorry I haven't been here in so long. I'm chronically ill, chronically in pain, forever fatigued...

Sent from my iPad

Monday, November 13, 2017

Youcaring: Donate please! Fundraiser help

I don't know if I still get any readers but I'm putting this here anyway. Please help and share!

Sunday, July 2, 2017


I've removed a lot of old posts. I still have them but you can't see them.  I have my reasons.  so if you're looking for something, leave a comment and let me know why.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Dream time!

Last night I had a strange dream.   Every time I thought about writing it down today, the thought escaped me and I forgot again. So I’m writing now while I can. Lol

Okay, it starred me and Damon Wayans.  This guy >    I was in jeans and t-shirt.  Damon was dressed oddly.   He had skin tight purple leggings with a paisley top that hung off of one shoulder and he had a red bandana on his head and he wore big loop earrings. O.o  lmao  Anyways, We were in this huge building. It wasn’t a house. I think it was underground.  We were in a very long hallway and I couldn’t see either end of it.  Along the hallway were tons of doors.  I wanted to just walk down the hallway and find the end of it. Damon thought the way out was behind a door.  So he was opening each door.  He had a funny talk too.

“Let’s see what’s behind this one.”  He opens door and screams like a girl, and slams it shut. “Okay, not this one.  Let’s go to the next one.”

It would go on and on like that.  He wasn’t finding anything good behind the doors but I was laughing too much to be scared.

We were on like the 12th door when I woke up.