
Friday, March 13, 2009

Uuuuhh... insert witty title here

So I'm sitting here at work and wondering what I can post here next when something just popped into my head. Don't know where it came from or what to do with it but here it is. lol

When the night falls
And darkness calls
Beware of those that lurk
And of the evil that works
In the dark of night
Ready to give you a fright.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happiness is....

Happiness is discovering that the abscess has reduced and basically gone away on it's own so I don't have to go to the dentist this week.

Yesterday, I found an abscess on my upper gum near a bad tooth. I knew I had to call a dentist and make an appointment. Sounds easy, right? Well, add in a fear of dentists and the unnatural needles in mouths and what not, and it's not easy anymore. I was dreading it.
Well, I settled on a dentist to call, took a couple advil and went to bed. This morning, the abscess was still there at 5am. I took a couple more advil, rinced my mouth with warm water and strong mouth wash (oh that burned!!!) and by 7am, I thought "am I imaging things or is the abscess smaller?" by 9am, the abscess was gone completely.

So I am happy! I get to put off a trip to the dentist until next week. It was just bad timing this week because I'm swamped at work! and really, that's not just an excuse. just too many things going on at work.

Just thought I'd share a bit of happiness...