
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ghostly Dream!

So, I went to lay down in bed because I was cold and ended up falling asleep. It was only 8pm and I didn't think I'd fall asleep but I did and now I'm glad. I had one of my strange dreams and this one was spooky.

The dream starts and I’m picking up a camcorder from an unused room out of the house. It was an old video camera that used VHS tapes. I saw it had a tape and turned on the camera. Didn’t catch what was on the tape the first time because I turning off a TV in that spare room I was in. I carried the camera out and started to watch it. I ran into Dad who was walking into that spare room to watch a star wars movie. He walked passed and I rewound the tape to start from the beginning again.

The scene on the tape was a nursery, I could see a big room, with an empty crib in it and it was dark. It was like one of those night vision scenes you see on TV. Dark, but you could still see things with the night vision. It looked like somebody was holding the camera and following something. The crib moved slightly like somebody bumped into it but nobody was there. Behind the crib was a counter and sink with drawers under the counter. A drawer opened with an unseen hand and closed again. The faucet turned on and then off, again with an unseen hand. I couldn’t hear any breathing on the tape, no footsteps, but I could hear the sound of the crib moving, the drawer opening and closing and the water from the faucet. The camera turned slightly from the faucet to another drawer opening and closing. Then light appeared as a nearby door opened and closed with nobody near it. Nobody alive anyway.

As I stood there watching the tape, I rewound it again and watched it again. I thought, I have to see if dad can somehow get this on the computer for me. I knew nobody would believe it but I was dying to share this. Plus getting it on a bigger screen might help me see somebody I can’t see on the smaller view screen on the camera.

I walked into the room I just left and Dad at first was laying in a hospital bed watching Star wars. Then he got out of the hospital bed and fumbled with a huge screen tv to get it hooked up so he could watch his movie on that. I watched the scene again on the camera and that’s when I woke up.

Spooky as hell and I was very excited about it too. lol