
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thoughts of Writing

As I sit here at work, I think about writing. I should be working and yet, I'm thinking of where I want the story in my book to go. I'm thinking of the characters and what I want or don't want. I'm even thinking of rewriting my first book and changing it to go a different direction. I wish I could be motivated to write at home. I know I should, but when I'm done with work for the day, it's like my brain shuts off and I can't think anymore. I know if I didn't have to work all day, I could write whenever I wanted and probably have this book done by now and working on another book.

I'm sure many authors start out the same as me but websites I've found about writing, all say it's about discipline. You have to discipline yourself to writing a certain amount of pages per day, and for a certain amount of time per day. How can I do that, when I work all day and in the evenings at home, my brain is gone for the day? So if I want to keep writing, I either have to force my brain to think after hours or continue writing at work.

I don't think I can be the disciplined type. I write when inspiration strikes me. I don't write out plans of what I want the next chapter to be, it is all in my head. I have nothing written down at all about my book. When I do write at work, I open up the file, reread what I last wrote, and just start typing. Why can't I do that at home? Sure, I do write when I'm at home but 95% of the time, it's on weekends or days off when no prior thinking was required. LOL

Other thoughts of writing include publishing. I would love to be published someday. I even bought the big book last year that has all the publishing companies for all the genres and also lists agents. I have researched self-publishing as well and that seems an easier way to go if you have the money to get it done. I have never talked to an agent about my writing because whenever I think about it, I start to doubt my work. Nobody will read what I write, no publisher will ever agree to put my books in print. It's all a waste of time. I know, I know. I shouldn't think like that but come on, can you blame me?

I write for the sheer joy of writing. I love it! Even as I write this, I have my book file open and I'm thinking of the next chapter. I don't know when I'll talk to an agent about my books, I don't know when I'll get published. It will happen someday. Hey, maybe I'll get lucky and an agent will read this and help. Hey, I can dream, right?

To end this post, I'll share an old poem with you... Enjoy!

Blank Pages

I can feel the pull of a blank page when it's in front of me.
Beckoning me to set my pen upon it and set myself free.
The will to write is strong, overpowering all thought
But the feeling is of a loss of a battle not fought.
The urge to let the ink flow overtakes my mind
I can think of nothing else, only the pages that blind
The crisp clean blue lines upon the paper of white
Taunt me with their very existence, and put up a fight.
The pages are unwilling to be blank for very long.
They beseech me to fill them with a writer’s song.
I break free from the chains that bind my hands.
And write a simple poem to send throughout the lands.
It’s not the best I’ve written, but it’s a start.
A poem of writing that comes from the heart.

Katherine DesChenes December 14, 2007

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Beware the Cohmpani Juice

I thought I'd share a silly dream I had November 5th. I haven't forgotten my blog, really I haven't. I just neglected it. I promise to try and post more often. For now, here's the dream... Enjoy!

Dream November 5, 2010

I was on a trip to a rain forest to explore and do those zip lines and stuff. I was with a group of people I didn't know. A lady and I were chosen to meet the local tribe by ourselves with no interpreter. It was interesting. We had to eat their local food and drink something. The food I don't remember but the drink was like water but it was light red, almost pink. I only took a small sip of it but the lady I was with, drank a ton of it. It made us both sick but she got the worst of it and ended up in a hospital. I told the doctor what made us sick and how much she drank. He told me to go to the store and get some cohmpani juice. He said it was labeled and to not exam it too closely. The juice would heal the lady.

Suddenly, my sister Becky was there at the store with me and we were searching for this juice. Becky was further up the aisle than me but I spotted the juice. Should not have examined it. lol It was a gallon sized glass bottle of darker red juice with things floating in it. I looked and the floaters turned out to be mosquitoes of all sizes. from huge quarter sized mosquitoes to normal sized ones. I yelled for Becky that I found it. and she's like "are you sure this is it?" I said, yup, it says cohmpani on the label. Becky said "But it has bugs in it" I told her, " Yea but doc said not to examine it. Let's get it and bring it back to him. Let's just hope that lady can manage to strain the juice through her teeth." and we laughed.

I took the bottle back to the hospital and gave it to the doctor. "Are you sure this will help her?" I asked. Doc assured me it would. He said the tribe forgot to include the sacred wings and that's why she got sick. I rolled my eyes and said Whatever... as long as I don't have to drink it.

Luckily, I woke up before I had to watch the lady drink the bug infused juice.