
Saturday, May 12, 2012

"Unhand me at once!"

I know I haven't posted a dream in a while so here is my latest one. I just had this last night.  Enjoy!!!
I was being escorted through the Queen of England's palace.  I was a guest there and I was being shown different parts of it.   On one landing of stairs, was what I thought a sculpture of sorts.   it was 4 golden hands holding a blanket tightly.   I asked the queen what the deal was with it and she said "Oh, Those are employees of Rosemary's.   Rosemary was the head housekeeper years ago."     I looked at her blankly and the queen pointed at a single pair of golden hands,  holding a cup.   The queen pointed at them and said "That's Rosemary."  
I just said Okay and decided it was a good time to go elsewhere in the palace. lol   I was off by myself and looking at some statues when I hear a scream.   I run through the halls and never found the source of the scream but I found the queen on the stairs. She was going to investigate the sound too.   Suddenly, the 4 hands that were holding the blanket came to life.  They rushed the Queen with the blanket, trapping her inside it.  The hands now holding the Queen in a type of pouch that was hovering in the air, close to the ceiling in the massive place.  I look around and Rosemary, her hands that is, dropped the cup they were holding and were just kind of sitting there.  I yell out to the queen for her to Call Rosemary's name and for her to order her take control of her employees hands in order to get the Queen back on the floor.    I hear the Queen's voice, muffled by the blanket, cry out  "Rosemary!  Rosemary, tell them to unhand me at once!  Please!"   
that's when  I was awakened by the phone ringing..  but I had to laugh..  the queen of england was being held prisoner by hands ( that were not attached to anything) and she tells them to unhand her.. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Life Changes

Life changes all the time.  You can either put up a fight and go against the change with every fiber of your being and make yourself miserable OR you can go along for the ride.  Let the change come and adjust your views to accommodate the change. 
I'm letting a change take over.  letting it do its work.  Sometimes change can be hell but sometimes the change is for your own good.   It's a personal change that I can't talk about but I'm letting it happen for the better.