
Monday, January 30, 2012

Lemons & Tidbits

When life hands you lemons, pass the tequila and salt!

I haven't written here in a while. I've thought about it but haven't done it. It's the end of January already. Wow. They say time flies when you're having fun but it also flies when your miserable... when your in a zombie like state... when your just going through the motions... yea, time just flies.

I'm not saying that I'm miserable right now. Just tired. I'm always tired, I know. But this is more than physically tired. It's mental too. I'm tired of scraping by and paying bills when I can. I'm tired of not answering the phone just so I don't have to talk to bill collectors. I'm just tired of being tired all the time. saying all that though, I'm not miserable. I have a roof over my head, I have a job and a car. I can pay some bills. Even though, I have to eat ramen noodles or make food stretch out (or go hungry,) I'm not in a bad mood.

I keep telling myself that things will get better and I won't always scrape for money or worry if I'll be able to buy food or not. I say "It has to get better at some point." I say that to myself and friends too. I tell myself "just wait until you have tax refund money, that will help out." then after that money is used up, I say "just wait for yearly bonus, that'll help." and "just wait and see If you get a raise this year, that'll help." It seems, I'm always saying 'just wait..." I'm tired of waiting..

I think when payday comes, I'm going to play the lotto regularly. Hey, who knows. I could win.. it could happen.. just as soon as I shoot those flying pigs going by my window.

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