
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Alien Dream

The dream started with me in a military cargo type plane. I’m in the back with other people and we are looking out the windows. Suddenly, below and to the right of us, we spot something in the sky. It was a grey alien on a silver disc, sort of surfing the skies. If you’ve ever seen the cartoon Static Shock, this alien was surfing like Static does. Everybody crowds around windows on the right side of the plane to watch the alien who was also watching us.

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There were military men on the plane with us and they were reporting to the Captain what we were seeing. The Captain thought the alien was a threat and wanted to shoot it down. I argued with him as his hand went for the fire button. I went to stop the captain from pushing the button but his men pulled me back. The Captain pressed the button and blew away the alien who was only watching us. Several people in the plane cried and yelled about this.

The next day, we were all again in the cargo plane and looking out the windows. We spotted another alien flying around just like the first one but this time, we didn’t say anything. We didn’t want another incident. We continued to watch in silence, smiling and waving to the alien. The alien looked behind him and suddenly there were millions more aliens there. All of them were on little silver discs. We gasped and the military men looked out the window to see what the hub bub was about.

One guy went to the Captain and told him what was going on, and the Captain got on the radio to report it to headquarters and wait for instructions. HQ told him to not make contact, don’t fire on them, just keep flying straight and ignore them.

The dream ended with all of us watching all the aliens out the windows and waiting in anticipation as to what was going to happen next.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Unintentional Break

I took a break from writing, it's been a couple of weeks. It wasn't intentional, I just ran out of energy at the end of the day. It does take energy to write, mental energy. and I just plain ran out.

I did write two pages yesterday at work and I like where the scene is going. I meant to do some writing today and still plan to but time has just ran away from me. Where did the day go? Oh I know, it was spent watching TV and playing computer games. I should mute the TV or turn it off so I can write a bit. I have the file open on my screen and it's ready to be used.

Now I just need to write. Yesterday it was easy, I just opened the file and started writing. I love writing, always have and always will. I know I need to keep writing in this book, not only to keep my creativity alive but if I want to get published, then I need to finish this book. Once I do finish it, I'll have two complete unpublished books that I wrote.

Even though I'm unpublished, I am proud of what I have accomplished. Not everybody can write, not everybody wants too and those that do want to, just don't have the talent. I hope, that I have more than the will to write. I hope that I have the talent. I am a writer, in my heart and in my mind.

I do wish to be published some day. The thought of seeing my name on a paperback book on the shelves with all the other books, thrills me. It will happen someday. It will. It will take time unless I go the self-published or publish on demand route. It would be nice to be paid for the writing I do but I don't write for money. I write for the pleasure of writing.

So now, I'll post this blog, mute the TV, and put my file before me. I'll reread what I wrote yesterday and see where it takes me.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Escaping Thoughts

Last night, as I was laying in bed trying to get to sleep, I had thought of a good topic to post on my blog. It was insightful and gave explainations about me and I was proud that I thought of it.

Now, in the light of day, I can't remember exactly what I was going to post. The thoughts of the new blog post have escaped me. That's what I get for not writing down my thoughts when I had them. I should know by now that if I don't write something down when I have a thought, I'll forget all about it. I now have a notebook and pen on the bedside table.

So here's the tip of the day: When you have a thought or an idea about anything, no matter what time it is, write it down. I don't care if you were about to go to sleep like me, or are about to go into the shower and are standing there naked. Take the time to write down the thought on paper, so you can get to it later on. Smiley from