
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Unintentional Break

I took a break from writing, it's been a couple of weeks. It wasn't intentional, I just ran out of energy at the end of the day. It does take energy to write, mental energy. and I just plain ran out.

I did write two pages yesterday at work and I like where the scene is going. I meant to do some writing today and still plan to but time has just ran away from me. Where did the day go? Oh I know, it was spent watching TV and playing computer games. I should mute the TV or turn it off so I can write a bit. I have the file open on my screen and it's ready to be used.

Now I just need to write. Yesterday it was easy, I just opened the file and started writing. I love writing, always have and always will. I know I need to keep writing in this book, not only to keep my creativity alive but if I want to get published, then I need to finish this book. Once I do finish it, I'll have two complete unpublished books that I wrote.

Even though I'm unpublished, I am proud of what I have accomplished. Not everybody can write, not everybody wants too and those that do want to, just don't have the talent. I hope, that I have more than the will to write. I hope that I have the talent. I am a writer, in my heart and in my mind.

I do wish to be published some day. The thought of seeing my name on a paperback book on the shelves with all the other books, thrills me. It will happen someday. It will. It will take time unless I go the self-published or publish on demand route. It would be nice to be paid for the writing I do but I don't write for money. I write for the pleasure of writing.

So now, I'll post this blog, mute the TV, and put my file before me. I'll reread what I wrote yesterday and see where it takes me.

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