
Monday, October 26, 2015

Howdy all!

Hello to all new visitors.  If you are new here, let me tell about this blog.  I named this blog The Dream Writer because I am a writer who has wacky dreams. I try to post here often but sometimes forget or can't think of anything good to post.  However, I've decided I'm going to post here whether it's good or not. Lucky you. LOL

First, a reminder. You can see past posts by clicking on the Blog Archive section or by clicking on words in the Labels section to the right.  If you click on the labels called Poem, you'll see all my posts with poems in them.  If you click on Dream, you'll see all my posts about my dreams. You get the idea.  

Now on to a dream I had last night.  

The dream starts with me watching TV.  only thing I remember seeing on the tv is seeing a commercial.  It’s a man and a woman skiing down a mountain.  They are wearing matching ski pants and bras.  yes, the man was wearing a bra.  O.o     Then the dream jumps.  I had snuck in to an auditorium filled with a ton of people.  It had stadium seating around 3 walls.  They ushered one woman out who wasn’t supposed to be there so I kind of sank down in my seat.   The woman next to me was standing and trying to calm everybody down because they were angry somebody had snuck in.  I look up at the woman and it’s Ellen DeGeneres.  She sees me trying to be invisible and sits down while she says:

“Oh, you can stay.  Don’t worry. It was just that woman who couldn’t.   You’ll need to turn off your phone though.  We don’t allow those in here.”  

I fumble with my phone and a notebook. “Can I write down stuff?”

“Oh sure. just turn off the phone.”  

I manage to find the mute switch and turn it off.   The phone in turn calls me Bitch repeatedly before shutting up. Ellen looks at it and then at me  “Did it just call you a bitch?”

my mouth hangs open a bit, “Yea I guess it did.”  

And then I woke up.  oooooooooook

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