
Friday, October 16, 2015

Too many books!

I have six books that I'm writing right now.  That's right.  6 books in progress.   I don't know which book to focus on.  I know of a couple that I can push aside for now but leaves 4 that I still want to work on.   Unfortunately, it seems lately that when I start writing a book, I either lose interest or I think it sucks so badly that I want to scrap the whole thing.   I haven't scrapped anything yet. I've rewritten parts, continued writing anyway but I haven't actually finished a book in a long time.

I really wanted to get a book published this year. I keep thinking about it and here it is, half way through October and I don't think it's going to happen this year.    If you look at the labels on the right, you can click on the Book label and you'll see all sorts of posts about my books.

Self Publishing costs money.  Money which I don't have.  So... I'll work on saving money again and hope life doesn't get in the way of that.

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