I had been wondering which of my dreams to post on here next but I couldn't decide on one. Luckily, that was decided last night. Here's my latest dream and it gives you an idea of what my dreams are like. One thing to note is that when I say I was scared in a dream, I mean it. I feel everything in dreams, I experience everything. Keep that in mind as you read.
Dream February 2, 2008The dream started with me going into a building with a guy who turned out to be Peter Falk. This Peter Falk was smooth talking, a gentlemen and very nice, not annoying like the Columbo character. He was wearing a white suit and black bow tie that looked very nice on him. I was in a white dress that had peach colored flowers on it (I think I have this dress in my closet somewhere, LOL) and white sandals. I was carrying a camera and we walked into this dark building, I didn’t see the front of it so I don’t know what it looked like. Inside, there weren’t any lights on at all but Peter had a flashlight. The place was jam packed with various items like mannequins, lamps, couches, paintings, statues, etc. So we had to be careful where we walked.
I was snapping off pictures and would hold the camera above my head to get above the obstructions. Peter was talking about the history of the place but I wasn’t listening. I was actually very frightened but continued taking pictures and following Peter. At one spot, I took a picture of the corner with camera above my head and I saw the preview picture on the camera. I swore I saw Hitler in the photograph and looked at the picture closely. I said “Oh my God! Peter, you have to see this.” And I caught up to Peter holding the camera out to show him the picture.
He looked and said “Where did you take this?” I pointed out the spot and he shined his flashlight over there. The light went quickly over Hitler’s face and I shrieked. I was standing there pointing with a shaky hand and not taking my eyes off of it. Then, Peter took the flashlight and slammed the back of my head with it, knocking me out. As I lay there on the floor, Peter said “I wish you didn’t see that.” Then he walked off, humming happily.
The next scene is Peter pouring himself a drink from some unlabeled undecorated glass bottle. He had a cigarette in one hand and the drink in the other. He turned around and looked at me and I was now on a really pale pink couch, leaning over the arm of the couch. I came to and the ice clinked in Peter’s glass as he took a drink. I groaned and sat up and looked at Peter with wide eyes. “Why did you hit me?” I asked.
Peter responded, “Because I can’t let you know what this place is.”
“What the Hell does that mean? We’re here 10 minutes and I know this place isn’t ‘right’ and you hit me with a freakin’ flash light? You moron!” I stood up and swayed a bit, landing me back on the couch. I got up again and ignored the swaying and stormed off. Leaving Peter whistling behind me.
As I rounded a corner, I saw another couch but with a pure white statue sitting on it, leaning forward, looking at a ballerina statue in front if it. I could see it was a man and he was reaching for the ballerina to make the music play. I know it was a statue so seeing it move scared me. I shrank back around the corner and I could still hear Peter whistling but he was somewhere else in the building now. Thinking my eyes were playing tricks on me, I calmed myself and walked right up to the statue. Only now, it was leaning back against the couch back with it’s head resting on the back of the couch. At first, it was Abraham Lincoln. Then as I approached, it changed into Vincent Price!!! It was still a statue but now it looked like Vincent Price. While it was changing, I could see it’s eyes darting from side to side. Now totally freaked out, I screamed and ran. Suddenly I could hear what sounded like stone on stone. It was the statue coming after me.
I kept running and ran right into a warm body. Yup, it was Peter. He took a drag from his cigarette and blew smoke at me and grinned evilly. “Sorry sugar, you’re not going anywhere.” I scream again (who knew I was such a screamer?) and turned to run the other way and was blocked by the statue. I turned again and ran and Peter was nowhere to be found. I found the path where we first came in and also found the flashlight that Peter used on me. I picked up the flashlight and scanned the cluttered room. Not seeing anything, I looked on the floor for my camera and found it nearby. For some reason, it seemed nature at this point to turn it on and take more pictures. I aimed the camera back the way I came and the statue was getting nearer. I took a quick couple of pictures and the flash seemed to have stopped him. He didn’t move anymore. I raised the camera above my head and took more pictures. I saw that I found Hitler again but now there was something else there. Hitler had a friend. I looked at the picture on the camera closely, and zoomed in on it. It was Peter Falk, with one hand on Hitler’s shoulder and the other hand waving at me.
That’s when I woke up!
Now, if I haven't scared you off, please leave a comment or question and dont' forget my poll on the right. Thank you and Pleasant dreams!