I had hoped I would dream last night and remember the dreams and I did. I have one image of flies. Many Many flies in my apartment, covering the windows and flying around. That's all there was of that dream. Odd..
Second dream had more to it. I was in a hallway with white walls, white floors and ceiling and there were many doors everywhere. It wasn't quite an apartment building but it was some sort of living facility. Some rooms were bedrooms, one was a store, another was a doctor's office, another was a sheriff's office, and many more rooms. I stepped out of my room and heard my neighbor crying, I went into her room and asked what was wrong and she said the doctor messed her up. She said he and his nurse drugged her and she passed out, she kept saying that what he did was wrong. I asked what did he do after she passed out and she started wailing. Another neighbor came in to comfort her and I told her to talk to the sheriff, she said she did but he didn't believe her.
The dream jumps to me standing in the doctor's office. I asked him what happened to the girl in the room next to me and he nodded to his nurse. Both the doctor and the nurse forced me into a chair and while the nurse held me, the doctor forced my mouth open and shoved pills in my mouth. The pills were the size of quarters and there were 3 or 4 of them. He held my mouth closed and started talking.
"Just give it a minute for the pills to dissolve. The pills are called D-9 and they are experimental. You wanted to know what happened so I'll show you." the doctor said. I passed out in the dream so I still didn't know what happened. when I woke up, I was in my room on my bed. I felt fine, but was pissed off. I opened the door and found the sheriff walking down the hallway. It was Jack Carter from the show Eureka. lol I said, "Jack, I need to talk to you. I want to file a complaint against the doctor. " I explained what happened and Jack listened but he said without evidence, he can't do anything. It would be my word against the doctor's.
After chatting with neighbors to try to come up with a plan, I figured out what to do. I took a camera and got into the room next to the doctor's office. There was a vent that was big enough for me to climb in and it connected to the doctor's office. I got in the vent and hid there for a while, waiting for the doctor to do something. I didn't have to wait long. i got pictures of him shoving this D-9 drug into a patient's mouth. suddenly the lights dimmed and stuff was lowered from the ceiling. Mini disco balls about 3 inches in diameter hanging everywhere from the ceiling, along with some odd brown things. I got a picture of that and the doctor heard the camera. I got out of there quickly and returned to my room. I went to print up the pictures but the only one that came out was the one showing the disco balls.
I ran to Jack's office and showed it to him but and after a lot of convincing, he walked down the office to talk to the doctor.
Unfortunately that's when I woke up. Just what was the doctor doing to his patients? What was this building I was living in? What was the deal with the disco balls? And who were these people? Jack Carter was the only one I recognized but that's normal for me. lol yea.. it was a weird dream