There were military men on the plane with us and they were reporting to the Captain what we were seeing. The Captain thought the alien was a threat and wanted to shoot it down. I argued with him as his hand went for the fire button. I went to stop the captain from pushing the button but his men pulled me back. The Captain pressed the button and blew away the alien who was only watching us. Several people in the plane cried and yelled about this.
The next day, we were all again in the cargo plane and looking out the windows. We spotted another alien flying around just like the first one but this time, we didn’t say anything. We didn’t want another incident. We continued to watch in silence, smiling and waving to the alien. The alien looked behind him and suddenly there were millions more aliens there. All of them were on little silver discs. We gasped and the military men looked out the window to see what the hub bub was about.
One guy went to the Captain and told him what was going on, and the Captain got on the radio to report it to headquarters and wait for instructions. HQ told him to not make contact, don’t fire on them, just keep flying straight and ignore them.
The dream ended with all of us watching all the aliens out the windows and waiting in anticipation as to what was going to happen next.