
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Arthritis song!

Now, it's time for Arthritis Songs! Here's a little ditty that joint sufferers may recognize. I started singing this after I realized I was starting to sound like the swedish chef from the muppets whenever I got out of the recliner. lmao

Sung to the tune of Neil Sedaka's song "Breaking up is hard to do"

Don't take your help away from me
Don't you leave my life in misery
If you go, then I'll be black and blue
'cause getting up is hard to do

Remember when you held me tight
And my joints put up such a fight
Think of all that we've been through
Getting up is hard to do.

They say that getting up is hard to do
Now I know, I know that its true
Don't say I'll fall on my end
Instead of getting up I wish I were sitting down again

Monday, June 4, 2012

Six books down.. ?? many to go.

I just finished writing my 6th book. It actually was book number 5 but I took a break from it to write the next one. When that was done, I went back to it and finished it. I actually finished it about 20 minutes ago. I have to say that I'm proud of myself for actually being able to write one book, let alone six. I already have book number 7 lined up and it will be a sequel. Now, if only I could either get the money to do self publishing like I want or find an agent or publisher who like's my work. I do still want to be published some day but even if it doesn't happen, I'll still write. Simply because I love it. I love coming up with characters and a story line. I love how a book can change as I'm writing it. I love that I can write without having an outline or a plan in place. I love that I can be shocked at how my own book ended. Now, to take the afternoon off from writing and maybe do my real job. lol Yea, don't tell anybody I do my writing at work. I don't think they'll like it. lol

Saturday, May 12, 2012

"Unhand me at once!"

I know I haven't posted a dream in a while so here is my latest one. I just had this last night.  Enjoy!!!
I was being escorted through the Queen of England's palace.  I was a guest there and I was being shown different parts of it.   On one landing of stairs, was what I thought a sculpture of sorts.   it was 4 golden hands holding a blanket tightly.   I asked the queen what the deal was with it and she said "Oh, Those are employees of Rosemary's.   Rosemary was the head housekeeper years ago."     I looked at her blankly and the queen pointed at a single pair of golden hands,  holding a cup.   The queen pointed at them and said "That's Rosemary."  
I just said Okay and decided it was a good time to go elsewhere in the palace. lol   I was off by myself and looking at some statues when I hear a scream.   I run through the halls and never found the source of the scream but I found the queen on the stairs. She was going to investigate the sound too.   Suddenly, the 4 hands that were holding the blanket came to life.  They rushed the Queen with the blanket, trapping her inside it.  The hands now holding the Queen in a type of pouch that was hovering in the air, close to the ceiling in the massive place.  I look around and Rosemary, her hands that is, dropped the cup they were holding and were just kind of sitting there.  I yell out to the queen for her to Call Rosemary's name and for her to order her take control of her employees hands in order to get the Queen back on the floor.    I hear the Queen's voice, muffled by the blanket, cry out  "Rosemary!  Rosemary, tell them to unhand me at once!  Please!"   
that's when  I was awakened by the phone ringing..  but I had to laugh..  the queen of england was being held prisoner by hands ( that were not attached to anything) and she tells them to unhand her.. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Life Changes

Life changes all the time.  You can either put up a fight and go against the change with every fiber of your being and make yourself miserable OR you can go along for the ride.  Let the change come and adjust your views to accommodate the change. 
I'm letting a change take over.  letting it do its work.  Sometimes change can be hell but sometimes the change is for your own good.   It's a personal change that I can't talk about but I'm letting it happen for the better. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Writing Scenes and Rewriting...

Yesterday, I wrote a few pages of a big scene in my current Astral book. I reread what I wrote and promptly deleted it. I wrote the scene another way and took the characters in a different direction. By the time I was leaving for home (yes, I was writing at work. lol sue me), I had finished the scene and didn't think anything more about it. I knew I'd read it over and might change a couple things but I thought the scene would stick.

Last night, as I was lying in bed, trying to get to sleep, I thought of what I wrote that day. I then came up with "what if I did this with the scene and the characters did this?" so yea, got to work this morning, opened up my book file and promptly deleted the second scene I wrote yesterday and started writing the scene again and I'm doing something different yet again.

I'm hoping this time, the scene works and I'm fisished with it. I want to move past it. It's silly really. Oh well... back to the book.. and oh yea, maybe actual work too. lol

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ideas and book writing

I have a file where I write down new book ideas. I open it up every once in a while and read it, sometimes add to it. I've decided that since I seem to be getting to a point in my werewolf book that I'm bored with it, maybe its time to start a new book. Maybe put the werewolves on the back burner for now, and start a new one.

I started a new file and chose one of my ideas. The first page lists my idea and I just got done typing up something about the main characters. Mainly, describing them and their part in the book. Now, I've written 4 complete books and my 5th one (the werewolf book) is still in progress. For two of those books, I listed out the characters, their details and background. This new one I've done that again. so half my books started without much of anything except the idea itself and the other half started with details of the characters. I don't know which is the better way to do it.

Now, just because I've written the character info down ahead of time, doesn't mean it'll stick. I'll probably change the details as the book progresses depending on how the characters make themselves known. I don't write every detail down, I don't make an outline of the book. I have a general idea of what I want to do with the book, and sometimes, my idea, my characters take things in to their own hands so to speak.

Knowing this, I can't help but wonder what the purpose is for me to even write down any details ahead of time. It's odd.

I just thought I'd post some random book thoughts since I haven't posted in a while. I'll try to post more for any readers I might still have

Monday, January 30, 2012

Lemons & Tidbits

When life hands you lemons, pass the tequila and salt!

I haven't written here in a while. I've thought about it but haven't done it. It's the end of January already. Wow. They say time flies when you're having fun but it also flies when your miserable... when your in a zombie like state... when your just going through the motions... yea, time just flies.

I'm not saying that I'm miserable right now. Just tired. I'm always tired, I know. But this is more than physically tired. It's mental too. I'm tired of scraping by and paying bills when I can. I'm tired of not answering the phone just so I don't have to talk to bill collectors. I'm just tired of being tired all the time. saying all that though, I'm not miserable. I have a roof over my head, I have a job and a car. I can pay some bills. Even though, I have to eat ramen noodles or make food stretch out (or go hungry,) I'm not in a bad mood.

I keep telling myself that things will get better and I won't always scrape for money or worry if I'll be able to buy food or not. I say "It has to get better at some point." I say that to myself and friends too. I tell myself "just wait until you have tax refund money, that will help out." then after that money is used up, I say "just wait for yearly bonus, that'll help." and "just wait and see If you get a raise this year, that'll help." It seems, I'm always saying 'just wait..." I'm tired of waiting..

I think when payday comes, I'm going to play the lotto regularly. Hey, who knows. I could win.. it could happen.. just as soon as I shoot those flying pigs going by my window.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Joy in the little things

Last May, I bought myself an iPad 2. Ever since they came out, I've wanted one but couldn't justify my reasons for getting one. It was coworkers who finally convinced me to splurge and buy it after I had confessed that i hadn't bought myself anything nice in a very long time. So with my early bonus money that normally would have been spent on bills and food, I splurged and bought the ipad.

I don't regret it at all. Yes, it was a lot of money but it was worth every cent. You know why? My joints. On days when the marbles in my feet would grow too large, I couldn't bother walking the short distance to my computer to check email and play on the internet. On days when my knees just hurt too much, I'd grab my blackberry and check email on that from the comfort of my recliner. I had tried to have my work laptop set up on those bad days right next to me but a laptop was not intended for laps despite its name.

Thanks to the iPad, I can check email with ease from my recliner, I can surf the internet and play games and read tons of books. I can record videos, take pictures and email them without disturbing the lazy sack of cat on my lap. even when my fingers ache, I still use the pad with ease. You'd be amazed at the amount of pressure that hurts just to type on a keyboard. But with the touchscreen capability on the ipad, I can use one or two fingers and not cause the extra pain from typing.

I can set the ipad on my lap thanks to the little case I bought. I can stay connected to the internet and spy on friends on facebook. I can even write my poems and my books on my iPad without leaving my recliner. The size is perfect for me, it's not too heavy, it's easy to use and easy to see things on it too. not to mention, a lot of fun.

For days when I ache and just want to curl up and escape from pain or daily stress of life, I have found comfort in my iPad. So thank you Apple for my iPad. My joints thank you too!