
Friday, March 9, 2012

Writing Scenes and Rewriting...

Yesterday, I wrote a few pages of a big scene in my current Astral book. I reread what I wrote and promptly deleted it. I wrote the scene another way and took the characters in a different direction. By the time I was leaving for home (yes, I was writing at work. lol sue me), I had finished the scene and didn't think anything more about it. I knew I'd read it over and might change a couple things but I thought the scene would stick.

Last night, as I was lying in bed, trying to get to sleep, I thought of what I wrote that day. I then came up with "what if I did this with the scene and the characters did this?" so yea, got to work this morning, opened up my book file and promptly deleted the second scene I wrote yesterday and started writing the scene again and I'm doing something different yet again.

I'm hoping this time, the scene works and I'm fisished with it. I want to move past it. It's silly really. Oh well... back to the book.. and oh yea, maybe actual work too. lol