
Monday, June 4, 2012

Six books down.. ?? many to go.

I just finished writing my 6th book. It actually was book number 5 but I took a break from it to write the next one. When that was done, I went back to it and finished it. I actually finished it about 20 minutes ago. I have to say that I'm proud of myself for actually being able to write one book, let alone six. I already have book number 7 lined up and it will be a sequel. Now, if only I could either get the money to do self publishing like I want or find an agent or publisher who like's my work. I do still want to be published some day but even if it doesn't happen, I'll still write. Simply because I love it. I love coming up with characters and a story line. I love how a book can change as I'm writing it. I love that I can write without having an outline or a plan in place. I love that I can be shocked at how my own book ended. Now, to take the afternoon off from writing and maybe do my real job. lol Yea, don't tell anybody I do my writing at work. I don't think they'll like it. lol