Let's see. Um...
- Do you have any suggestions for somebody who works full time and wants to be published? Good thing I don't have a contract with deadlines.
- Do you do any fact checking on your fiction books? Or since it is fiction, do facts matter?
- When writing a book, I've heard that you shouldn't edit it as you go. Don't worry about punctuation and spelling errors so much and just write. Do you believe that's true? I can't help but make corrections as I go. I really can't. It'll bug me if I know there's a mistake and I left it alone. And yes, I do read the book several times and make my own corrections. Man, I suck and make a ton of typos.
- How many books did you write and finish before you were published? I have 8 so far.
- How many books did you abandon because you thought they were utter crap? I have many. :)
- Book covers are important. They say you can't judge a book by its cover and it's true to a point. However, as a reader, I know I look at the book cover and tend to skip those that just have a title and nothing else. Having said that, do you believe the cover should always have a hunk and a woman on it? Or do you think scenery is alright? It's not like you should have a picture of an airplane on the cover and have the book be historical fiction. The scenery has to tie into the book but I don't think it's required to have a woman with her bodice ripped and some drop dead gorgeous hunk leaning over her. hmm.. drop dead gorgeous hunk. I may rethink that.
- How did you find your group of beta readers? Are they family or friends?
I may edit this list of questions but these are what I came up with after a brain fart. Now, if any readers know any authors who would want to answer these questions, feel free to share this page with them.