Anyways, being in so much pain and so fatigued means my apartment is a mess. Just standing and doing dishes for 10 minutes hurts like hell. I just spent the last 10 minutes picking up small items off the floor or table and either throwing them away or putting them away. The cost of that 10 minutes? My back is screaming at me, my knees are cursing at me and body is craving caffeine to be injected through an IV.
I have groceries to be put away (thank God there's grocery delivery). I have to dust some more. and I have a ton of shit to throw out. And that's just day to day stuff. I also need to declutter my apartment to make it easier to clean and put things away. My dinning room table collects the mail and other papers so I need to go through that. I have empty boxes to throw out. I have to vacuum and let's not even look at the kitchen floor. Plus, I really need to go through my clothes and get rid of a ton of stuff I don't wear.
The problem is the pain. I have referrals in to see the orthopedic clinic and even a spine pain clinic. so eventually, I hope to get help for the pain. Until then, I need to come up with a plan of attack for the apartment. I need to work in 5 to 10 minute breaks or learn to do stuff while sitting on my wheeled walker that has a built in seat. I also need to pick up a reacher grabber thingy. I tried looking online for tips for cleaning while disabled but didn't find what I needed.
so Here's my plan:
- clean 5 to 10 minutes. Rest until pain lets up (probably a half hour or more). then clean for another 5 to 10 minutes.
- Don't make repeat trips. Condense the trips. Throw away stuff while you are on the way to put things away.
- Also, maybe don't leave an area until you've done all you can do in that area.
- Carry around a plastic grocery bag to put trash in, instead of walking back to the kitchen to throw stuff away.
- Save bigger tasks for good days. I can't vacuum today. back hurts too much. Don't try to vacuum the whole apartment at once either.
- Sit as much as I can. If something can be done while sitting, drag a chair over and do it.
yea, that's my plan so far of just what I thought of in the past 20 minutes. Moral of all this... Pain sucks. I may not look like I'm in pain (I hide it well.) but I'm miserable. and yet, I still have to clean. ugh..