
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dream: The Wrath of the Statues

Weird dream from last night. I wasn't actually in it. Dream starts and a man has come home from a long journey. He has discovered an ancient temple and nobody believes him because the temple is in Antarctica. Everybody thinks the cold had an effect on his mind and he is then discredited. He starts to walk home and is stopped by a boy about 10 years old. The boy heard of this temple and wants to see it. The man knows he shouldn't but he agrees to take the kid on the return journey to the temple.

Fast forward and the man and boy are standing on a very snowy mountain. They have to reach the top of the mountain to see the temple. The reached the top and the man, waves his arm like he's a price is right model showing prizes. Before them is a valley with lots of trees and grass, very green. In the center of the valley, are structures but you can't make them out because of the tall trees blocking them.

The boy says "Finally." But the man didn't hear him. He explains to the boy that to get down there is very tricky and the boy is to do everything he does. The man jumps down and grabs a nearby vine. He swings to what might be a natural ladder but the rungs of the ladder are 10 feet apart. The man grabs the top rung of the ladder and waits for the boy. The boy easily follows him like he's done it before. Together, the two release their hands and drop to the rung below them. They continue this until they reach the valley floor.

There's a path now before them, and they walk down it. Even though the man has seen it before, he gawks at all the greenery around him and the temperature is comfortable too. They reach a huge stone building and walk through the door. Inside are what look like statues that are at least 20 feet tall. The boy quietly stands beside the man as the man starts talking about the statues.

Suddenly, a voice yells in front of them, "Silence! I told you never to return!" The man looks for the source of the voice and see's one of the statues, a woman, looking at him and she's pissed. "What is the meaning of this?" She asks.

"I tried to tell people of this place but nobody believed me except for this boy." The man replies. "I had to show him it was real."

The woman statue bends down (you can hear the stone she's made of grinding as she bends) and her face is inches away from the boy who is grinning madly. Suddenly, the woman stands up tall and starts waving her hands in front of her, an energy ball of lightning is forming between her hands. The man stands between her and the boy.

"Wait! He's just a boy, he means no harm." He replies.

"That is no boy. That is our long lost brother. He must die." She says as another hand from another statue, grabs the man by the back of his shirt and moves him out of the way.

"I came to rejoin you." The boy finally says to the statues. He turns to the man, "I am sorry for misleading you but I had to find out if you were a crackpot or if you really found my home."

"You were banished a millennia ago, brother. Why return now?" The woman says.

I can hear the boy and the statues talking but I can't remember what was said. I do remember an energy ball narrowly missing the boy. This is where the dream turns into another one that has nothing to do with the statue dream. I wish I found out how it ended but unless the dream continues tonight, I'll never know the ending.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Pity Party

It's time for a little pity party.  I'm your host and you're all invited.  
All this past week, my joints have been hurting. Rheumatoid Arthritis sucks.  I don't care if you don't think it's a disease. I don't care if you think it's just a little pain.  I could wish that you live in my shoes for a week and see how you deal with it but I can't. I won't wish R.A. on anybody, friend or enemy. 
You see, Rheumatoid Arthritis isn't just about pain. It's about fatigue too.  some days you feel like you've been run over by an 18 wheeler, repeatedly.. other days you feel like you've been run over by a 10 speed bike.  Now add to that the weak and tired and fatigued feeling you feel when you get the Flu.  Don't forget to factor in the little fact that you will never know which joints will hurt on which days and you will never know how tired you are from one day to the next.    Now imagine living with it and working full time.
Yea, that's my life.  Usually, I don't let it get to me too much.  I pretend I'm okay and sometimes I believe it.   Wednesday, driving home from work was Hell with the stop and go traffic.  My right knee was screaming at me and I was near tears by the time I got home.  When I did get home, I tried to relax and elevate my legs. It did help but not enough. By Thursday morning, I was using my cane to walk around my apartment.  I had to work from home Thursday because the pain was so bad.    Thursday night, I knew I had to go into the office Friday and I knew I would have to bring a cane with me (I brought the cane I keep stored in my car).    I fell asleep early, around 8pm didn't wake up until 5:15 am (15 minutes after my alarm clock went off).  My knee felt better, I could around my apartment okay.  But I didn't let that fool me. 
Here I am at work with my cane behind me and typing.  I am again near tears but not just because of the pain, it's because of my situation.  It gets overwhelming sometimes.    I drove into work with my right knee starting to scream at me for driving.  I hobble around the office and work.  Now I'm sitting here, thinking about things and the thought that this is my future is more than I can handle.  I've had Rheumatoid Arthritis for over 13 years now.  I should be used to it.  But knowing that there is no cure for R.A. and you either have to diminish your immune system to nothing to stop R.A. (and risk getting every germ in the office, and I mean every germ of every kind) or find a way to deal with the pain. 
Please don't give me the "I heard there was a special diet to help R.A...."   and "You won't get every germ if you take the medicine..."
First, I am not going to stop eating the foods I love.  The only way that would happen is if you wire my jaw shut. I love food too much to be put on a special diet for the rest of my life.   Secondly, I took those medicines before and while they did help my arthritis a lot, it seemed like I had a cold all the time.  Also, I got meningitis 2 years ago because my immune system is so messed up.  Do you really think I want to take the medicines to reduce my immune system to nothing and risk getting meningitis again?  Not only no but Hell no! 
So, I'll sit here and do my work.  I'll get up every 30 minutes or more so that my joints don't stiffen up.  I'll go through each day like I have before.   Just remember, when you look at me, don't think I have it easy and please don't wish you could trade places.   It's not fun. you won't like it.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

And now for your reading pleasure...

The Crab Dream! Hot off the presses from my own warped mind , a new dream I had last night. Enjoy!

Dream starts with me taking Mom & Dad out somewhere. It was a surprise and I couldn't tell them where we were going. Scene changes and mom and I were fighting some sort of slimy bog oozy things. One whack and they were puddles of slime. However there were tons of these things. Dad was behind us doing nothing. As mom and I progressed, new monsters came out, 2 legged brown things that resembled 20 foot long anteaters (and also snuffleupagus) . Suddenly the level is over and we made it to the next level. Yup, it was a virtual game (the kind where you feel like you are there). We decided to take a break and were laughing all the way to a classical concert. Before the concert started, I told mom that I peeked at the next level and told her that we had to kill 160,000 of those slime things, not including the other monsters that jumped out at you.

We started discussing strategies when the concert was about to start. The announcer said what the first piece they were going to play was and I turned to dad and said "What did he say? Sounded like Urine Pee" Mom started laughing uncontrollably which made me laugh uncontrollably. Dad repeated what I said to the guys in the row behind us and I looked up and around and Patrick Stewart was there with a powdered white wig on. He started chuckling and he repeated to the guy he was sitting next to, he said it in this real snooty voice. "I say, she thought he said Urine Pee." The other guy started chuckling and said "well I suppose it does sound like that, doesn't it." This other guy is Wilfrid Hyde-White. Look him up, you'll know him.

Anyways, I decide to break up the laughter with a walk by myself. I find myself walking down metal stairs like a fire escape and onto a beach. On the stairs, I find a dark red crab that's the color of an uncooked lobster. This crab has one huge claw it uses as a decoy, it looked like it had a face on it. I almost thought it was two crabs sitting next to each other. I was about to touch it and it snapped at me. I continued down the stairs and spotted another crab, I think it was a king crab. I reached the beach and walked around for a bit. I decide to return to mom & dad and start back up the stairs. Behind me is a king crab that tries to make a swipe for me. I leap out of reach and it starts chasing me. I run up the stairs, pass the red crab and on a landing is another king crab. He's clicking his claws at me and coming closer. I kick it off the stairs and continue going up, suddenly there are king crabs all around me. One on the railing hooked my shirt sleeve. I broke off his claw and kept running.

That's when I woke up. Roasting, hot as hell, left hand completely numb, and mouth so dry I could drink a gallon of water and not be refreshed.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thoughts of Writing

As I sit here at work, I think about writing. I should be working and yet, I'm thinking of where I want the story in my book to go. I'm thinking of the characters and what I want or don't want. I'm even thinking of rewriting my first book and changing it to go a different direction. I wish I could be motivated to write at home. I know I should, but when I'm done with work for the day, it's like my brain shuts off and I can't think anymore. I know if I didn't have to work all day, I could write whenever I wanted and probably have this book done by now and working on another book.

I'm sure many authors start out the same as me but websites I've found about writing, all say it's about discipline. You have to discipline yourself to writing a certain amount of pages per day, and for a certain amount of time per day. How can I do that, when I work all day and in the evenings at home, my brain is gone for the day? So if I want to keep writing, I either have to force my brain to think after hours or continue writing at work.

I don't think I can be the disciplined type. I write when inspiration strikes me. I don't write out plans of what I want the next chapter to be, it is all in my head. I have nothing written down at all about my book. When I do write at work, I open up the file, reread what I last wrote, and just start typing. Why can't I do that at home? Sure, I do write when I'm at home but 95% of the time, it's on weekends or days off when no prior thinking was required. LOL

Other thoughts of writing include publishing. I would love to be published someday. I even bought the big book last year that has all the publishing companies for all the genres and also lists agents. I have researched self-publishing as well and that seems an easier way to go if you have the money to get it done. I have never talked to an agent about my writing because whenever I think about it, I start to doubt my work. Nobody will read what I write, no publisher will ever agree to put my books in print. It's all a waste of time. I know, I know. I shouldn't think like that but come on, can you blame me?

I write for the sheer joy of writing. I love it! Even as I write this, I have my book file open and I'm thinking of the next chapter. I don't know when I'll talk to an agent about my books, I don't know when I'll get published. It will happen someday. Hey, maybe I'll get lucky and an agent will read this and help. Hey, I can dream, right?

To end this post, I'll share an old poem with you... Enjoy!

Blank Pages

I can feel the pull of a blank page when it's in front of me.
Beckoning me to set my pen upon it and set myself free.
The will to write is strong, overpowering all thought
But the feeling is of a loss of a battle not fought.
The urge to let the ink flow overtakes my mind
I can think of nothing else, only the pages that blind
The crisp clean blue lines upon the paper of white
Taunt me with their very existence, and put up a fight.
The pages are unwilling to be blank for very long.
They beseech me to fill them with a writer’s song.
I break free from the chains that bind my hands.
And write a simple poem to send throughout the lands.
It’s not the best I’ve written, but it’s a start.
A poem of writing that comes from the heart.

Katherine DesChenes December 14, 2007

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Beware the Cohmpani Juice

I thought I'd share a silly dream I had November 5th. I haven't forgotten my blog, really I haven't. I just neglected it. I promise to try and post more often. For now, here's the dream... Enjoy!

Dream November 5, 2010

I was on a trip to a rain forest to explore and do those zip lines and stuff. I was with a group of people I didn't know. A lady and I were chosen to meet the local tribe by ourselves with no interpreter. It was interesting. We had to eat their local food and drink something. The food I don't remember but the drink was like water but it was light red, almost pink. I only took a small sip of it but the lady I was with, drank a ton of it. It made us both sick but she got the worst of it and ended up in a hospital. I told the doctor what made us sick and how much she drank. He told me to go to the store and get some cohmpani juice. He said it was labeled and to not exam it too closely. The juice would heal the lady.

Suddenly, my sister Becky was there at the store with me and we were searching for this juice. Becky was further up the aisle than me but I spotted the juice. Should not have examined it. lol It was a gallon sized glass bottle of darker red juice with things floating in it. I looked and the floaters turned out to be mosquitoes of all sizes. from huge quarter sized mosquitoes to normal sized ones. I yelled for Becky that I found it. and she's like "are you sure this is it?" I said, yup, it says cohmpani on the label. Becky said "But it has bugs in it" I told her, " Yea but doc said not to examine it. Let's get it and bring it back to him. Let's just hope that lady can manage to strain the juice through her teeth." and we laughed.

I took the bottle back to the hospital and gave it to the doctor. "Are you sure this will help her?" I asked. Doc assured me it would. He said the tribe forgot to include the sacred wings and that's why she got sick. I rolled my eyes and said Whatever... as long as I don't have to drink it.

Luckily, I woke up before I had to watch the lady drink the bug infused juice.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Lava man

Since I can't seem to sleep tonight, I thought I'd post a dream I had recently.

The other night, I had an odd dream. It started out with a group of people on a dock, the group of people and myself were organizing a feast to welcome back the sailors. We had a huge clear bag full of fish that I didn’t recognize and I was carrying the bag to the dock. The ship had returned with 3 “sailors” on it. I don’t really consider them sailors because the oldest was no more than 13 and the youngest was 8. We all celebrated and the boys gave us a hard time that the feast wasn’t quite ready for them yet. Then a couple of minutes later, the boys disappeared and the day restarted.

Again, we all were gathering food for a feast to celebrate the return of the sailors. Again, I was carrying a big bag of fish but now I was having that déjà vu feeling. That feeling got stronger when the boys returned and gave us a hard time again that the feast wasn’t ready for them. Again, the boys disappeared and the day restarted.

The third time the day restarted, I followed my déjà vu feeling and decided to get on the ship when it returned. When the day restarted again, I was on the ship and eager to find out what was happening.
The ocean sort of rumbled and the waves got larger and larger. Suddenly, I thought a mountain was emerging from the water but it was a giant. The giant had the head of one of those Easter Island statues. The head and the whole body was made of rock but the body had rips in it and in each rip was flowing lava. Let’s get back to size. This giant was so huge, it could use the Eiffel tower as a tooth pick.

The boys and I are staring at this giant and wondering what was going to happen next. The giant spotted our ship and reached down and grabbed it. The giant spotted me and said “You’re new.” And that’s when I woke up.

No clue what brought this dream on but it was different. But then, all my dreams are different. LOL

Thursday, June 24, 2010

So evidently I'm a sleepwalker

Last night, I had a dream that I pushed the power button on the computer to start it up... sounds simple and short, right?  Well, a sound woke me up, it was my computer making the windows start up tune.    My computer had turned on... That's odd in itself but when I heard my computer come on, I noticed something else.  My pillow was gone and I was cold ( I was on top of the covers).    I was too sleepy to look for the pillow but I got under the covers and went back to sleep.  When the alarm went off this morning, I found the pillow.  It was on the floor on the opposite side of the room.    I came out and checked the computer logs, it did indeed turn on at 3 errors or anything, it just turned on and I don't have it scheduled to automatically turn on at all.
It had to have been me that turned on the computer because I have the power settings set to shut the computer down after an hour of inactivity.  So evidently, I walked out to the living room, turned on the computer and went back to bed (and threw my pillow across the room too) and only woke up when I heard the computer startup tune... lmao 

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Elvis' Ghost Sand

The dream starts with me walking into a home shop. It was a house but also a shop. The floor was wood and there were book cases in various spots. I don't remember what the shop was selling, could have been books or something else. Anyway, I walk in the door and notice that there is a 3 foot long by 1 foot wide section of the floor that is just sand. I ask the store owner what the deal with the sand was and she told me to just watch it.

I feel like a fool as I start watching the sand. Pretty soon, the sand starts moving in waves like its water. I back up thinking that there are bugs in the sand making it move. I continue watching it and then shapes appear and disappear. Circles, squares and triangles, etc.

"What the hell is this?" I ask.

The shop owner just laughs and says "We call Elvis' Ghost Sand."

"Why Elvis?" I ask.

"You'll see. Just keep watching it." She responds.

As I'm watching it, faces start appearing in the sand and then disappearing. Like somebody is below the sand and pushing their face up through it. "I still don't know what it has to do with Elvis." I muttered.

The shop owner ignores me and soon I see a full figure standing up in the sand about 10 inches tall and it's the shape of Elvis. I told the owner that "just because the sand can take the shape of Elvis, doesn't mean that it is Elvis in there."

I continue watching the sand and soon writing appears. I asked "What is this writing?"

"Writing? Oh that.. it's too small for us to read." The owner said.

"have you tried asking it to make the writing bigger?" I asked.

The owner laughed at me and said "it's only sand that moves."

"You call it Elvis' Ghost Sand which means you think it's haunted and you never thought to talk to it? Idiot." I tell her. Then I crouch down and face the sand and ask "You in the sand, Can you make the writing larger? It's too small for us to read."

Soon, the small writing disappeared and larger writing appeared. It said, "Help me! I'm trapped."

I sat down on the floor and asked, "I don't know how to help you. Who are you?"

The dream ended with me talking to the Ghost Sand but I can't remember the rest of the conversation. I wish I could though. It seemed very interesting. Of course, I had to laugh that I was arguing with the owner over the name of the sand. I mean really, Elvis?

Monday, June 14, 2010

New Dream-- Read it if you dare!!

Last night I had a long nightmare, filled with screaming, murder, hack and slash and gore. So if you don't like horror movies, then you don't have to read this.  If you do read it, then I am not responsible if you get sick. Lol had to get a disclaimer there.

On to the dream.   Let me start by saying that I was not in the dream, nor was anybody else I know. This was a dream of strangers which isn't odd for me since I dream of strangers all the time.  There were 4 people in this dream, 2 guys and 2 gals. 4 people and a psychopath.  One couple is main couple of the dream, the guy has short blonde hair and is rather hunkish, and his girlfriend is also a blonde and not bad looking.  The other couple, I'll call them the background couple just for clarification.  The dream starts with the 2 couples arriving in a large home, maybe a mansion.  They unpack their suitcases and say goodnight to each other and go to bed for the night.  

The guy in the background couple wakes up during the night to find his girlfriend gone from bed.  He gets up to go look for her and after not finding her in their room or bathroom, he goes downstairs.  He goes to the kitchen, thinking she made herself a snack and he does find her.   She's in the refrigerator, on the floor, in the sink, and on the counter.  Yes, she was in pieces with blood everywhere.   I think the floor was originally white but you couldn't tell anymore because of the blood.    The guy let's out a scream and runs upstairs.  He bangs on the blonde couple's door to wake them up and he's yelling at them for help.  By the time the blonde guy opens their bedroom door, the other guy is gone.  The house is quiet, no yelling from that other guy, no running footsteps or anything.  The blonde guy thinks he must have imagined it and goes back to bed. 

Fast forward to morning, the blondes wake up and while the gal is taking a shower, the blonde guy decides to go downstairs and make some coffee.   He makes it to the kitchen and see's the pieces of the dismembered lady.  He of course throws up right there in the kitchen.  Then he runs upstairs. After seeing his girlfriend is still showering, he goes to the other guy's bedroom door and opens it with out knocking.     He spots a foot sticking out from under the bed.  He grabs the ankle to pull the guy out from under the bed and finds a bloodied stump.  No body attached to that foot and ankle, just a lot of blood. 

He throws the foot down and stumbles out of that bedroom.  He goes into his bedroom, closes and locks the door.  He's standing their leaning against the door when his girlfriend walks out of the bathroom, towel drying her hair. 

"Matt, what's wrong?  You look so pale." She tells him.

Matt shakes his head and sits down on the bed.  He reaches over for the phone to call the cops but the line is dead.   He finds his cell phone on the dresser and turns it on, but no signal.  The girl was starting to get worried but before she could say anything, Matt told her to get dressed.  He wanted to get out of here and get to a police station.  She obliges him even though Matt hasn't explained why.

They get out to their car but all four wheels have been slashed and of course, they are miles and miles from anybody else.  So, they can't leave in their car, they can't call for help, they are trapped.

"Matt, you have to tell me what's going on. Now!" the lady yells at him

Matt tells her what happened to their friends but she doesn't believe him. She tries to run into the house to see for herself but Matt stops her, trying to tell her that she doesn't want to see them.  She makes it by him and goes in.  Matt prepares himself for a scream of horror from his girlfriend but it never comes.    A few minutes go by and Matt just thinks that his girlfriend is in shock somewhere in the house.  He opens the door to go find her and there on the stairs that go up to the second floor, is most of his girlfriend.  Again, the body was in pieces with lots of blood everywhere, but one arm was missing.   He goes to check on the body parts in the kitchen, and one leg is missing.  He runs upstairs to the other couple's bedroom and forces himself to look under the bed.  His friend's head is missing but the rest of his body is there, in pieces and under the bed. 

Besides the fact that all his friends are in pieces around the house, he finds it odd that there's a piece missing from all of them.    Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he spots something moving. He turns to look just in time to see the axe heading for him.  Matt ducks but is knocked out by the axe wielder. Before he is unconscious, he see's who knocked him out.  An elderly man with white hair and a moustache, wearing an outfit that reminded him of Gepetto from the movie Pinocchio.

Now, I'd be happy if the dream ended there but noooooooooooooo I have to continue it.    

Matt wakes up screaming and sits up in bed with his girlfriend by his side.  

"Holy crap, matt!  Are you okay?"  She asks.

"No, I just had the most horrible nightmare."  He replies and hugs her tightly.      "I have to check on the other couple (he said their names but I don't remember them)."

He goes to the other couple's bedroom and knocks.  Nobody answered, so he opened the door to find a foot sticking out from under the bed just like in his dream. He slowly walks over and touches the foot with his foot to see if it was real.  He kicked the foot slightly, and the foot rolled a couple of feet with nothing attached to it. Just like in his dream.    He panics and runs down to the kitchen and again finds the other lady there, just like in his dream. 

He runs upstairs and grabs his girlfriend and not telling her what happened, they run downstairs and outside.  They hear a loud pop as one end of their car goes down.  Matt grabs the closest thing he could find to use as a weapon, which was rake. He tells his girl friend to stay put and he walks over to the other side of the car, to spot the Gepetto looking man, about to slash another tired.   Matt clubs him over the head with the rake, runs back to his girlfriend and they run inside and lock the door.    Matt keeps looking outside to see if the psycho gepetto comes near and tells his girlfriend to run upstairs and get their cell phones.   He also told her that under no circumstances was she to look in any other rooms but their bedroom. 

She runs up and Matt here's her scream and footsteps, he runs up after her to find her in their bedroom and sitting in a corner on the floor. "I told you not to look in there."  He said. 

He thinks of what to do next, and decide that since their tire is flat and maybe the rest of the tires by now, their only option is too run.  He makes his girlfriend get dressed in running clothes and he gets dressed too.   As they make their way back downstairs, Matt looks for a better weapon and spots a baseball bat in a closet.   He grabs that and they head outside.  Not seeing anybody near his car and yes, all tires were flat now, he grabs the tire iron out of the truck and hands it to his girlfriend.    They start running for their lives but they don't make. The next scene is just them, lying on the ground with axes in the back of their head, embedded so deep that a point is coming through their face.

The last scene of this dream is 4 people standing over an open grave and they throw a wooden mask in to the open grave.   It seems the point of view has changed and the camera or is now at the bottom of the grave with the mask falling towards it.  The 4 people walk off and out of sight.  A hand reaches up and grabs the mask, then carefully puts it on, over the camera.

That's when I woke up.   I have the sense that I was screaming but since I didn't get any knocks from any neighbors telling me to shut the hell up, I don't think I was screaming.  But you never know….

So, if anybody is into finding the meanings of dreams, I dare you to find meanings to this one.   To me, it just means that I'm royally screwed up. 

Coming soon to a dream near you, Gepetto, the movie…   He's trying to make a boy of his own but don't ask where he got the parts.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Long time no blog

Normally when I write my blog, I'm at work. I usually write it up at home or through out the day at work and post it at work.  I recently discovered that work is blocking my blog site.  Boo! 
So I am trying out a different method of blogging. I'm typing up a blog email and will send it directly to my blog site and it should post it automatically.  So if anybody is still checking out my blog, be sure to leave me a comment and let me know if this posts. lol
As for why I haven't written anything lately, well I just haven't felt like writing.  I have been way too tired lately and reduced to napping on days off.  Plus, I just haven't felt that creative lately.  Even my dreams have suffered.  I miss my weird dreams. lol  I have my book file open and will reread the last chapter I wrote and see if I can make it any better or just skip it for now.  I need to get back into writing. I think it's one thing that has kept me semi-sane.  lol 
Just a short post today. I just wanted to see if I could email the blog and it will post.  So let me know if you see this!  Otherwise, I'll try to remember to check it at home.  I don't know smile emoticon

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ghostly Dream!

So, I went to lay down in bed because I was cold and ended up falling asleep. It was only 8pm and I didn't think I'd fall asleep but I did and now I'm glad. I had one of my strange dreams and this one was spooky.

The dream starts and I’m picking up a camcorder from an unused room out of the house. It was an old video camera that used VHS tapes. I saw it had a tape and turned on the camera. Didn’t catch what was on the tape the first time because I turning off a TV in that spare room I was in. I carried the camera out and started to watch it. I ran into Dad who was walking into that spare room to watch a star wars movie. He walked passed and I rewound the tape to start from the beginning again.

The scene on the tape was a nursery, I could see a big room, with an empty crib in it and it was dark. It was like one of those night vision scenes you see on TV. Dark, but you could still see things with the night vision. It looked like somebody was holding the camera and following something. The crib moved slightly like somebody bumped into it but nobody was there. Behind the crib was a counter and sink with drawers under the counter. A drawer opened with an unseen hand and closed again. The faucet turned on and then off, again with an unseen hand. I couldn’t hear any breathing on the tape, no footsteps, but I could hear the sound of the crib moving, the drawer opening and closing and the water from the faucet. The camera turned slightly from the faucet to another drawer opening and closing. Then light appeared as a nearby door opened and closed with nobody near it. Nobody alive anyway.

As I stood there watching the tape, I rewound it again and watched it again. I thought, I have to see if dad can somehow get this on the computer for me. I knew nobody would believe it but I was dying to share this. Plus getting it on a bigger screen might help me see somebody I can’t see on the smaller view screen on the camera.

I walked into the room I just left and Dad at first was laying in a hospital bed watching Star wars. Then he got out of the hospital bed and fumbled with a huge screen tv to get it hooked up so he could watch his movie on that. I watched the scene again on the camera and that’s when I woke up.

Spooky as hell and I was very excited about it too. lol

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Strange Dream... even for me

It's been a while since I posted a strange dream so here's my latest one. Last night, I dreamed that I was in a strange hotel suite with my parents and my aunt. We were getting ready to leave to go somewhere and I told them I'd catch up to them because I had to call my agent real quick. So my parents and my aunt left and I was on the phone talking to my agent. A knock on the door interrupted the phone call, I told the agent to hold on while I answered the door and I swung open the door to find.... any guesses on who was standing there? Any at all? Saddam Hussein!! Yup, Saddam was standing there with a couple of body guards. I muttered Holy Crap to which the agent still on the phone asked what was going on. I couldn't answer him, I was in shock.

Saddam "Are you the author of this book?" He holds up a hard back copy of my book.

Me "yes, that's mine"

Saddam "Take her. She's coming with us." He said to his guards,

I dropped the phone and tried to close the door on them but they were of course stronger then me. So I screamed at my agent on the phone "Call the Police! Saddam is kidnapping me!" I could hear the agent laugh and say "are you nuts?" I started screaming and fighting and clawing at the arms grabbing me.

Saddam said "knock her out; we can't have her screaming like that."

They must have knocked me out because I came to in Saddam's limo. He was watching me and flipping through the book at the same time. I was sitting next to him and I tried the limo door but I couldn't get it open. "What's the meaning of this?" I asked him
Saddam replied "Is this your work too? This poem." He hands me a sheet of paper.

I look at it and start giggling. It was a poem where somebody used the song from The Grinch and changed the words to fit Saddam and his craziness. Saddam starts looking mad and he sighs "Is this yours?" I can't answer him because I'm giggling.

Thru my tears, I say, "No you asshole but I applaud whomever wrote it."

"How do I know you're not lying?" Saddam asked.

"Because it's not my style. If you did some research and read my book and other poems, you'd know that, idiot" I replied. To which Saddam hit me again.

"So you kidnapped me because you thought I wrote that poem? Why? Did it hurt your feelings?" Why couldn't I shut up? lol

Saddam was pissed off now, he told the guard sitting with us "Get rid of her." So the guard opened the limo door and threw me out of the moving vehicle.

I manage to stumble back to the hotel suite, crying and laughing the same time. Dad is pacing the floor; mom and my aunt are sitting down talking about what could have happened. I walk in the door and Dad hugs me and makes me sit down. Once I've calmed down a bit, they asked me what happened.

I calmly looked at them and replied, "I was kidnapped by Saddam Hussein"

Monday, January 11, 2010

Last night's dream that left me crying

Dream January 11, 2010

The dream starts with me standing in Becky's bedroom. It's night and Becky and Keith are sleeping in their bed. I know I'm dead but I don't know how it happened. I know I need to tell Becky something that feels so final. I walk over to Becky's side of the bed and sit down on the edge of the bed.

"Becky? Becky, wake up. I have to talk to you." I whisper

Becky wakes up startled and looks at me "What the hell are you doing here? It's 3 am." She looks over at Keith who is still asleep.

"Something happened to me at the apartment. I don't know what happened but Pipsqueek is with me." I suddenly have Pipsqueek in my arms, he's calm and purring.

Becky looks at me again, "Why can I see through you?"

"I think you know." I reply.

She gasps at me "What happened?"

"I don't know, I was asleep and suddenly I was here." I tell her. I pet Pipsqueek and look at him, "It must have been fast because it happened to Pipsqueek too."

"No. This isn't happening, it's a dream right?" She asks

"I'm afraid not." I sigh. "Becky, I wanted to let you know that I love you and everybody else. Can you tell them for me please?"

"Tell them yourself! This is a dream. Just a weird dream that I'm having."

I try to grab Becky's hand but my hand goes through hers. I sit there and look in her eyes as tears well up in both of our eyes.

"Becky, you know this isn't a dream. In your heart, you know it." Pipsqueek jumps out of my arms and runs towards something. "I have to go now. I don't know where but I have to go. Remember what I said. Tell the family I love them."

Becky starts sobbing as I start walking towards her closet and with each step, I fade a bit until I'm gone completely.

That is when I woke up crying. I don't think I've ever had a death dream like that before. It was extremely sad and choked me just thinking writing it up.