I have to share this dream I had last night.. very strange, even for me. LOL
The dream started with me sharing a hotel room with a co-worker. The room walls were a very deep maroon color, almost black. The bed spread was a shiny metallic dark red color. The room was one big long room, but with a step going down into a living room area where there was a tan couch and a big TV. The TV was also a monitor for a hidden computer with the keyboard and mouse sitting on the coffee table by the couch. I sat down and started playing with the computer. I launched the Internet explorer to go to my email and their home page was a welcome page “Welcome to our hotel. For your enjoyment, we have selected this event especially for you.” I clicked on the link below that line and started reading up on this event. Evidently, I had to solve a riddle and if I solved it, I got to see a special video of my Grandfather being a guest on the Steve Martin show. LOL I don’t know if Steve Martin ever had a TV show but my grandpa was going to do a magical act on the show. Of course, I just had to see the video so I read where to start the riddle. The webpage said there was a rock on the dresser that had the next clue.
So I go to the dresser and pick up the rock and I was transported to some kind of Aztec Stone maze. I started walking through the maze and I had to dodge fireballs, arrows and skeletons. Very odd. The scene cut to me solving the riddle somehow and being able to watch the video of Grandpa on the Steve Martin show. Grandpa walked on stage and after a quick chat with his host, he proceeded to do a classic act of disappearing assistant and have her reappear. Only the act went wrong and the assistant wouldn’t reappear. Come to find out, that assistant was never heard from again and this video clip was never aired because of that. Judging by the set of the show, it was taped in late 70’s.
I wanted to show the video to a friend so I left the hotel room and got her, Michelle. When we came back to the hotel room, the video was gone and I had to solve the riddle again to watch the video again. So Michelle and I started the riddle off and again we were in the Aztec maze. This time, when we got to the end of the maze, it opened up into an area with William Shatner standing at the bass of a pyramid with torches near him and jungle scenery around him and it was night time.
We talked to William Shatner and told him what was going on and he explained he was a type of host of the riddle. While Michelle talked to him, I turned and saw a large fenced off area with kittens and ferrets playing together. It was really cute but had no place in this dream. LOL After playing with the animals, I turn back to Michelle and she had William Shatner in a neck hold and forced him to agree to show us how to solve this riddle. So he brought out a couple of double barreled sawed off shot guns and gave one to me. Then he proceeded to shoot me with one. Only it fired beebees. It hurt like Hell though at such a close range. I shot him back and we proceeded with the riddle.
Next thing I know, we are all in dark house with no power, no flash lights, with ghosts around us. Very spooky scene. I suddenly hear a very loud buzz by my ear and it is the larged bee I have ever seen, think hummingbird size. The bee was chasing me and after I swatted it a couple of times, it got stuck in a spider web near the ceiling.
That is when I woke up.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
A Date to Remember
I'm at my desk at work and I have one of those day calendars that still had Friday the 10th as the date. I flipped forward a couple of days to today's date and realized today is an anniversary of sorts. One year ago today, right about at this time, my parents were trying to get in touch with me. I do remember my mom on the cell phone saying "Stay where you are. Dad's on his way." Next thing I remember is opening the front door to see a bald police man standing there with paramedics behind him and my dad behind them. Evidently, it took them a lot of talking to convince me to open the door. Then I remember being on the stretcher and in the ambulance on my way to the hospital.
One year ago today, I had Viral Meningitis. Doctors at the time that I was admitted, didn't know if I had Encephalitis, Bacterial or Viral Meningitis. They didn't actually say it was Viral Meningitis until the 3rd day I was in the hospital. They were close to saying I had Encephalitis which is worse.
I know I need to let go of what happened but look at it from my point of view. It was the first time I had ever stayed in a hospital, I literally lost my mind and didn't know who anybody was and didn't know how to do simple things like turn the heat down or put a barrette in my hair. I had a fever of 102 and my normal temp is around 96 so I was very delirious. I also lost 9 pounds in the 4 days I was in the hospital because I couldn't keep anything down. I have very few memories of my battle with meningitis but what I do remember, I wish I didn't.
I had to be restrained in the hospital bed because I kept trying to leave. I remember those straps on my wrists and ankles. I believe I also had to be sedated. I remember the Doctors asking me what the date was and I said February 2005. I remember seeing my Dad burst into tears by my bed.
I also remember saying "I love you" a lot. According to my family, I said it to everybody who came near me. Doctors, nurses, and family members. That's the only good thing that happened.
After being admitted Sunday to the hospital, I was released the following Wednesday. I was only released because I forced myself to eat and was lucky enough the food stayed down. I was so exhausted and had no energy. I remember my parents taking me to the pharmacy on the way home from hospital, but don't remember for what medication.
I was out of work for about a month because of this sickness. Even though the meningitis was gone, I still had no energy and took many naps during the day and still had a headache from it. Then of course there were the many follow up appointments with my own doctor who had to run her own tests and be sure I was okay.
I was supposed to be on vacation April 13th through the 18th last year. I was supposed to go pick up my parents and we were going to drive to Las Vegas. So when I didn't show up at my parents doorstep, they called me. If they hadn't called me and figured out something was wrong, then who knows what would have happened. I had kept telling my mom that I had to go work and that's why she kept telling me to stay where I was. If I had gotten behind the wheel in that state of mind, I surely would have caused an accident.
It took me nearly all year to get over the fear of getting sick again. Scratch that, I'm not over that fear. I will always be afraid of getting Viral Meningitis again but now, at least I can shake a person's hand. The doctors told me that somebody probably had a cold or respiratory infection and when it got to me, my screwed up immune system mutated it and turned into the meningitis. Because of that, I will always have that fear of getting sick again.
I will always remember April 2008. I will always remember what it did to me and my family. In the future, I will try not to get choked up when remembering what happened.
One year ago today, I had Viral Meningitis. Doctors at the time that I was admitted, didn't know if I had Encephalitis, Bacterial or Viral Meningitis. They didn't actually say it was Viral Meningitis until the 3rd day I was in the hospital. They were close to saying I had Encephalitis which is worse.
I know I need to let go of what happened but look at it from my point of view. It was the first time I had ever stayed in a hospital, I literally lost my mind and didn't know who anybody was and didn't know how to do simple things like turn the heat down or put a barrette in my hair. I had a fever of 102 and my normal temp is around 96 so I was very delirious. I also lost 9 pounds in the 4 days I was in the hospital because I couldn't keep anything down. I have very few memories of my battle with meningitis but what I do remember, I wish I didn't.
I had to be restrained in the hospital bed because I kept trying to leave. I remember those straps on my wrists and ankles. I believe I also had to be sedated. I remember the Doctors asking me what the date was and I said February 2005. I remember seeing my Dad burst into tears by my bed.
I also remember saying "I love you" a lot. According to my family, I said it to everybody who came near me. Doctors, nurses, and family members. That's the only good thing that happened.
After being admitted Sunday to the hospital, I was released the following Wednesday. I was only released because I forced myself to eat and was lucky enough the food stayed down. I was so exhausted and had no energy. I remember my parents taking me to the pharmacy on the way home from hospital, but don't remember for what medication.
I was out of work for about a month because of this sickness. Even though the meningitis was gone, I still had no energy and took many naps during the day and still had a headache from it. Then of course there were the many follow up appointments with my own doctor who had to run her own tests and be sure I was okay.
I was supposed to be on vacation April 13th through the 18th last year. I was supposed to go pick up my parents and we were going to drive to Las Vegas. So when I didn't show up at my parents doorstep, they called me. If they hadn't called me and figured out something was wrong, then who knows what would have happened. I had kept telling my mom that I had to go work and that's why she kept telling me to stay where I was. If I had gotten behind the wheel in that state of mind, I surely would have caused an accident.
It took me nearly all year to get over the fear of getting sick again. Scratch that, I'm not over that fear. I will always be afraid of getting Viral Meningitis again but now, at least I can shake a person's hand. The doctors told me that somebody probably had a cold or respiratory infection and when it got to me, my screwed up immune system mutated it and turned into the meningitis. Because of that, I will always have that fear of getting sick again.
I will always remember April 2008. I will always remember what it did to me and my family. In the future, I will try not to get choked up when remembering what happened.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
A new Dream
The Dream begins with me watching TV in my apartment. It was a news story about a young American Indian girl (about 9 or 10 years old) who’s mother just died in a car accident. The girl knew she had a grandmother but couldn’t didn’t know her name (other than Grandma) or where she lived. This was a follow up story for they found the Grandmother’s house and they were surprising the girl with a reunion. As the news crew and the young girl arrived at the house, the girl recognized it immediately and jumped out of the car and started running to the house, yelling “Grandma!”. It was an old house with wood painted white but the pain was flaking off. Before the girl could reunite with Grandma, I shut the tv off.
The dream jumps ahead a bit. In the dream, I woke up to go to the bathroom and when I got back to bed, there were 3 small mirrors in my bed. You know the kind of make up mirrors on a stand like this one? Each Mirror was slightly different but this gives you an example.

I stared at the mirrors for a minute and looked at Pipsqueek who was sleeping peacefully. I picked up the mirrors and put them on a dresser nearby. In my sleepy state in the dream, It didn’t occur to me that I didn’t own these mirrors in the first place and they shouldn’t even be in my apartment. After putting the mirrors on the dresser, I crawled into bed. As I relaxed to get back to sleep, it suddenly dawned on me…“wait, where did that dresser come from?” I don’t own a dresser like that, it was hip height and about 4 feet wide. I sat up and looked at the dresser and then saw a large mirror just above the dresser. I started to freak out. “What’s going on? That’s not my mirror or dresser?” I jumped out of bed and went to the dresser and ran my hand on it to verify it was really there. “Calm down. It’s just furniture. Furniture that appeared out of nowhere!”
I turned back to the bed and those 3 make up mirrors were back on my bed. I was truly scared at this point. I looked at the mirrors on my bed and then at the mirror above the dresser and suddenly I just knew… The mirrors and the dresser belonged to the mother of that young girl I saw on TV. I was terrified. I looked up at the mirror above the dresser and saw the shape of a woman. It was completely black so I saw no details, just the shape but the shape appeared to come closer and closer in the mirror.
And that is when I woke up.. When I woke up, I was actually still scared and sweating beyond belief. I don’t know what it was about this dream that scared me so much but as I wandered to the bathroom without turning any lights on, I avoided looking at my mirror.
The dream jumps ahead a bit. In the dream, I woke up to go to the bathroom and when I got back to bed, there were 3 small mirrors in my bed. You know the kind of make up mirrors on a stand like this one? Each Mirror was slightly different but this gives you an example.
I stared at the mirrors for a minute and looked at Pipsqueek who was sleeping peacefully. I picked up the mirrors and put them on a dresser nearby. In my sleepy state in the dream, It didn’t occur to me that I didn’t own these mirrors in the first place and they shouldn’t even be in my apartment. After putting the mirrors on the dresser, I crawled into bed. As I relaxed to get back to sleep, it suddenly dawned on me…“wait, where did that dresser come from?” I don’t own a dresser like that, it was hip height and about 4 feet wide. I sat up and looked at the dresser and then saw a large mirror just above the dresser. I started to freak out. “What’s going on? That’s not my mirror or dresser?” I jumped out of bed and went to the dresser and ran my hand on it to verify it was really there. “Calm down. It’s just furniture. Furniture that appeared out of nowhere!”
I turned back to the bed and those 3 make up mirrors were back on my bed. I was truly scared at this point. I looked at the mirrors on my bed and then at the mirror above the dresser and suddenly I just knew… The mirrors and the dresser belonged to the mother of that young girl I saw on TV. I was terrified. I looked up at the mirror above the dresser and saw the shape of a woman. It was completely black so I saw no details, just the shape but the shape appeared to come closer and closer in the mirror.
And that is when I woke up.. When I woke up, I was actually still scared and sweating beyond belief. I don’t know what it was about this dream that scared me so much but as I wandered to the bathroom without turning any lights on, I avoided looking at my mirror.
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