The dream jumps ahead a bit. In the dream, I woke up to go to the bathroom and when I got back to bed, there were 3 small mirrors in my bed. You know the kind of make up mirrors on a stand like this one? Each Mirror was slightly different but this gives you an example.
I stared at the mirrors for a minute and looked at Pipsqueek who was sleeping peacefully. I picked up the mirrors and put them on a dresser nearby. In my sleepy state in the dream, It didn’t occur to me that I didn’t own these mirrors in the first place and they shouldn’t even be in my apartment. After putting the mirrors on the dresser, I crawled into bed. As I relaxed to get back to sleep, it suddenly dawned on me…“wait, where did that dresser come from?” I don’t own a dresser like that, it was hip height and about 4 feet wide. I sat up and looked at the dresser and then saw a large mirror just above the dresser. I started to freak out. “What’s going on? That’s not my mirror or dresser?” I jumped out of bed and went to the dresser and ran my hand on it to verify it was really there. “Calm down. It’s just furniture. Furniture that appeared out of nowhere!”
I turned back to the bed and those 3 make up mirrors were back on my bed. I was truly scared at this point. I looked at the mirrors on my bed and then at the mirror above the dresser and suddenly I just knew… The mirrors and the dresser belonged to the mother of that young girl I saw on TV. I was terrified. I looked up at the mirror above the dresser and saw the shape of a woman. It was completely black so I saw no details, just the shape but the shape appeared to come closer and closer in the mirror.
And that is when I woke up.. When I woke up, I was actually still scared and sweating beyond belief. I don’t know what it was about this dream that scared me so much but as I wandered to the bathroom without turning any lights on, I avoided looking at my mirror.
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