Thursday, June 24, 2010
So evidently I'm a sleepwalker
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Elvis' Ghost Sand
The dream starts with me walking into a home shop. It was a house but also a shop. The floor was wood and there were book cases in various spots. I don't remember what the shop was selling, could have been books or something else. Anyway, I walk in the door and notice that there is a 3 foot long by 1 foot wide section of the floor that is just sand. I ask the store owner what the deal with the sand was and she told me to just watch it.
I feel like a fool as I start watching the sand. Pretty soon, the sand starts moving in waves like its water. I back up thinking that there are bugs in the sand making it move. I continue watching it and then shapes appear and disappear. Circles, squares and triangles, etc.
"What the hell is this?" I ask.
The shop owner just laughs and says "We call Elvis' Ghost Sand."
"Why Elvis?" I ask.
"You'll see. Just keep watching it." She responds.
As I'm watching it, faces start appearing in the sand and then disappearing. Like somebody is below the sand and pushing their face up through it. "I still don't know what it has to do with Elvis." I muttered.
The shop owner ignores me and soon I see a full figure standing up in the sand about 10 inches tall and it's the shape of Elvis. I told the owner that "just because the sand can take the shape of Elvis, doesn't mean that it is Elvis in there."
I continue watching the sand and soon writing appears. I asked "What is this writing?"
"Writing? Oh that.. it's too small for us to read." The owner said.
"have you tried asking it to make the writing bigger?" I asked.
The owner laughed at me and said "it's only sand that moves."
"You call it Elvis' Ghost Sand which means you think it's haunted and you never thought to talk to it? Idiot." I tell her. Then I crouch down and face the sand and ask "You in the sand, Can you make the writing larger? It's too small for us to read."
Soon, the small writing disappeared and larger writing appeared. It said, "Help me! I'm trapped."
I sat down on the floor and asked, "I don't know how to help you. Who are you?"
The dream ended with me talking to the Ghost Sand but I can't remember the rest of the conversation. I wish I could though. It seemed very interesting. Of course, I had to laugh that I was arguing with the owner over the name of the sand. I mean really, Elvis?
Monday, June 14, 2010
New Dream-- Read it if you dare!!
Last night I had a long nightmare, filled with screaming, murder, hack and slash and gore. So if you don't like horror movies, then you don't have to read this. If you do read it, then I am not responsible if you get sick. Lol had to get a disclaimer there.
On to the dream. Let me start by saying that I was not in the dream, nor was anybody else I know. This was a dream of strangers which isn't odd for me since I dream of strangers all the time. There were 4 people in this dream, 2 guys and 2 gals. 4 people and a psychopath. One couple is main couple of the dream, the guy has short blonde hair and is rather hunkish, and his girlfriend is also a blonde and not bad looking. The other couple, I'll call them the background couple just for clarification. The dream starts with the 2 couples arriving in a large home, maybe a mansion. They unpack their suitcases and say goodnight to each other and go to bed for the night.
The guy in the background couple wakes up during the night to find his girlfriend gone from bed. He gets up to go look for her and after not finding her in their room or bathroom, he goes downstairs. He goes to the kitchen, thinking she made herself a snack and he does find her. She's in the refrigerator, on the floor, in the sink, and on the counter. Yes, she was in pieces with blood everywhere. I think the floor was originally white but you couldn't tell anymore because of the blood. The guy let's out a scream and runs upstairs. He bangs on the blonde couple's door to wake them up and he's yelling at them for help. By the time the blonde guy opens their bedroom door, the other guy is gone. The house is quiet, no yelling from that other guy, no running footsteps or anything. The blonde guy thinks he must have imagined it and goes back to bed.
Fast forward to morning, the blondes wake up and while the gal is taking a shower, the blonde guy decides to go downstairs and make some coffee. He makes it to the kitchen and see's the pieces of the dismembered lady. He of course throws up right there in the kitchen. Then he runs upstairs. After seeing his girlfriend is still showering, he goes to the other guy's bedroom door and opens it with out knocking. He spots a foot sticking out from under the bed. He grabs the ankle to pull the guy out from under the bed and finds a bloodied stump. No body attached to that foot and ankle, just a lot of blood.
He throws the foot down and stumbles out of that bedroom. He goes into his bedroom, closes and locks the door. He's standing their leaning against the door when his girlfriend walks out of the bathroom, towel drying her hair.
"Matt, what's wrong? You look so pale." She tells him.
Matt shakes his head and sits down on the bed. He reaches over for the phone to call the cops but the line is dead. He finds his cell phone on the dresser and turns it on, but no signal. The girl was starting to get worried but before she could say anything, Matt told her to get dressed. He wanted to get out of here and get to a police station. She obliges him even though Matt hasn't explained why.
They get out to their car but all four wheels have been slashed and of course, they are miles and miles from anybody else. So, they can't leave in their car, they can't call for help, they are trapped.
"Matt, you have to tell me what's going on. Now!" the lady yells at him
Matt tells her what happened to their friends but she doesn't believe him. She tries to run into the house to see for herself but Matt stops her, trying to tell her that she doesn't want to see them. She makes it by him and goes in. Matt prepares himself for a scream of horror from his girlfriend but it never comes. A few minutes go by and Matt just thinks that his girlfriend is in shock somewhere in the house. He opens the door to go find her and there on the stairs that go up to the second floor, is most of his girlfriend. Again, the body was in pieces with lots of blood everywhere, but one arm was missing. He goes to check on the body parts in the kitchen, and one leg is missing. He runs upstairs to the other couple's bedroom and forces himself to look under the bed. His friend's head is missing but the rest of his body is there, in pieces and under the bed.
Besides the fact that all his friends are in pieces around the house, he finds it odd that there's a piece missing from all of them. Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he spots something moving. He turns to look just in time to see the axe heading for him. Matt ducks but is knocked out by the axe wielder. Before he is unconscious, he see's who knocked him out. An elderly man with white hair and a moustache, wearing an outfit that reminded him of Gepetto from the movie Pinocchio.
Now, I'd be happy if the dream ended there but noooooooooooooo I have to continue it.
Matt wakes up screaming and sits up in bed with his girlfriend by his side.
"Holy crap, matt! Are you okay?" She asks.
"No, I just had the most horrible nightmare." He replies and hugs her tightly. "I have to check on the other couple (he said their names but I don't remember them)."
He goes to the other couple's bedroom and knocks. Nobody answered, so he opened the door to find a foot sticking out from under the bed just like in his dream. He slowly walks over and touches the foot with his foot to see if it was real. He kicked the foot slightly, and the foot rolled a couple of feet with nothing attached to it. Just like in his dream. He panics and runs down to the kitchen and again finds the other lady there, just like in his dream.
He runs upstairs and grabs his girlfriend and not telling her what happened, they run downstairs and outside. They hear a loud pop as one end of their car goes down. Matt grabs the closest thing he could find to use as a weapon, which was rake. He tells his girl friend to stay put and he walks over to the other side of the car, to spot the Gepetto looking man, about to slash another tired. Matt clubs him over the head with the rake, runs back to his girlfriend and they run inside and lock the door. Matt keeps looking outside to see if the psycho gepetto comes near and tells his girlfriend to run upstairs and get their cell phones. He also told her that under no circumstances was she to look in any other rooms but their bedroom.
She runs up and Matt here's her scream and footsteps, he runs up after her to find her in their bedroom and sitting in a corner on the floor. "I told you not to look in there." He said.
He thinks of what to do next, and decide that since their tire is flat and maybe the rest of the tires by now, their only option is too run. He makes his girlfriend get dressed in running clothes and he gets dressed too. As they make their way back downstairs, Matt looks for a better weapon and spots a baseball bat in a closet. He grabs that and they head outside. Not seeing anybody near his car and yes, all tires were flat now, he grabs the tire iron out of the truck and hands it to his girlfriend. They start running for their lives but they don't make. The next scene is just them, lying on the ground with axes in the back of their head, embedded so deep that a point is coming through their face.
The last scene of this dream is 4 people standing over an open grave and they throw a wooden mask in to the open grave. It seems the point of view has changed and the camera or is now at the bottom of the grave with the mask falling towards it. The 4 people walk off and out of sight. A hand reaches up and grabs the mask, then carefully puts it on, over the camera.
That's when I woke up. I have the sense that I was screaming but since I didn't get any knocks from any neighbors telling me to shut the hell up, I don't think I was screaming. But you never know
So, if anybody is into finding the meanings of dreams, I dare you to find meanings to this one. To me, it just means that I'm royally screwed up.
Coming soon to a dream near you, Gepetto, the movie
He's trying to make a boy of his own but don't ask where he got the parts.