Normally when I write my blog, I'm at work. I usually write it up at home or through out the day at work and post it at work. I recently discovered that work is blocking my blog site. Boo!
So I am trying out a different method of blogging. I'm typing up a blog email and will send it directly to my blog site and it should post it automatically. So if anybody is still checking out my blog, be sure to leave me a comment and let me know if this posts. lol
As for why I haven't written anything lately, well I just haven't felt like writing. I have been way too tired lately and reduced to napping on days off. Plus, I just haven't felt that creative lately. Even my dreams have suffered. I miss my weird dreams. lol I have my book file open and will reread the last chapter I wrote and see if I can make it any better or just skip it for now. I need to get back into writing. I think it's one thing that has kept me semi-sane. lol
Just a short post today. I just wanted to see if I could email the blog and it will post. So let me know if you see this! Otherwise, I'll try to remember to check it at home. 
Read you loud and clear!
Cara + Crew
Cool thanks! looks like the smiley I used didn't upload but no biggy. At least I can post to blog
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