What's up? not much with me.. getting over Bronchitis, haven't written much this month, I have had a couple of dreams but I didn't "hold" on to them. oh, I know, I can talk about holding on to dreams. No, not the dreams like "My dream is to the win lottery". I mean dreams you have when you sleep.
Okay, so... let's see if I can explain it. Let's say I had a weird dream, if I wake up right after that weird dream, I think of that dream as something I can grab. I hold on to it. sometimes, I go over the details in my head as I get something to write with it to get it all down. Think of the dream as a pencil. It's solid, you can grab on to it. Now the next time you pick up a pencil, are you going to think of it as a pencil or the last dream you had and be able to recall the details.
I know a lot of people just say go over the details in you head as soon as you wake up and write it down. Sometimes that doesn't work for me. Hell, I sometimes don't write the dream down until hours later when I'm at work. Why? Because I held on to it. I grabbed it.
Yes, it's an odd concept and it probably won't work for a anybody else. It works for me. How is it that I can't remember maps and crap from a game I play all the freaking time but I can remember details from a dream I had years or months ago (like me carrying a semi-automatic with my siblings and we were searching for our parents in the burning ruins of Denver... hmm maybe I didn't share that one lol)? Maybe because I love my dreams... a lot. Even the bad ones. I hold on to all my dreams and I don't chase them. yea.. I know... I'm weird but you knew that already
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"How is it that I can't remember maps and crap from a game I play all the freaking time" - B/c you know I remember them all so you don't have to :P
lmao you are probably right
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