
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thoughts of Writing

Howdy gang! Are there any writers or editors or publishers reading this? Is anybody reading this other than a couple of close friends? lol I didn't think so. I have questions about book writing and since I don't know any writers, I'll just post them here and I'll figure out the answers somehow.

First off, I know when writing a book, it's never truly finished until it's actually published and on the book shelves. My question is, how do you know when you have reached the end of your book? There are so many books today that leave things open for a next book in case you are doing a series. Do you just go by gut feeling? I know by word count that I am not done with my book. I need to get over 70,000 words and don't want more than 90,000. Which brings me to my second set of questions.

For a first time writer that hasn't been published, what is a good word count? I have read that publishers do not want to go over 100k for a fiction book and below 40k is more like a novella instead of a novel. I have also read that some publishers want a minimum of 80k while others think that is that maximum. AND Does the word count include the chapter headings or title page and extra stuff? How in the hell is a new writer supposed to work with all the different variables? grrr

I am still considering the possibility of going with self publishing only because I don't want to deal with finding an agent. lol Yea, I'm that lazy but also if I go with self publishing, then things like word count doesn't matter at all. I try not to worry about the publishing aspect for now but it's always on my mind. I know there isn't any money in writing unless you're special like Stephen King or Dean Koontz or other great writers. I want to be published so I can go to the store, look at the book shelves and get that thrill of seeing MY book there along side of all the others. I want to see my name on a book cover.

Also there's the question of researching, more like a pet peeve. I see acknowledgements in books of fiction where the author thanks different people like "thank you to so and so for the hours of researching you did for my book". What kind of research is this? I always thought that works of fiction did not need research because it's fiction. It's fake with made up people, made up towns and places, made up species, etc. You can't research something that doesn't exist. Please don't tell me that some dork is going on a fact checking mission for a book about ghosts or vampires or other things. It just seems stupid to me.

Oh, another thing that bugs me. I have read (countless times) that to be a writer, you must set aside time every day and force yourself to write something in your book. I can't do that. You force me to do something and I will sit there and stare at the screen or go nuts or both. When I get the urge to write or I'm inspired, I just open up my Word file and start typing. I don't plan out every sentence or scene. I just let the words flow out of my fingers. Yes, I have written crap because of this but I have also written stuff that makes me say 'Wow!'. You can't force inspiration. It just has to happen. Also, there are people where setting aside time every day to write is not possible. I'm single with no kids so that helps but I do work full time and I have health issues that make me extremely fatigued some days. Forcing myself to write, even on days when I feel like crap, just isn't going to happen. Not only do I have to be inspired to write, I have to have the energy and my fingers have to be ready.

I think it's time I end this. I've rambled on a bit too much. lol If you are reading my blog, thank you! I appreciate it! And if you know a writer or publisher, feel free to share this with them. I am always open to advice but accepting it is another matter. HA! toodles

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