At night, when I'm in bed and trying to get to sleep, I have a million random things running through my head. Who doesn't, right? Yea well, my random thoughts are just that, random. One minute, I'll think about my cat, the next second, I'll think about my book, and then think about a movie I want to see or book I want to read. Hell, sometimes, I even think of new poems to write down. Trust me, my thoughts get so random, it's scary!
To hush these noisy thoughts and to stop my mind from racing, I imagine a blank page, the ruled kind like in notebooks. (for some reason, unlined paper just doesn't work for me) I concentrate on that blank page until my mind quiets down. It's weird but it works for me about 80% of the time. the other 20% percent, words start appearing on the blank page to form a poem until I have to get up and go write that crap down. lol
Last night, I started my little blank page bit, focusing on it and until I felt my mind calm down. then a poem popped into my head. It's not the best but this what happens when my mind is left to wander on it's own.
My mind is a blank page,
Awaiting instruction
No longer trapped in a cage,
Free from obstruction
My mind is a blank page,
Ready to be used
Out there on the world's stage
Trying not to be confused.
What tricks do you have to stop your mind, to quiet those thoughts that just won't go away?
I don't usually have to chill myself out. I go to lay down once I'm Sounda obvious, but trying to force yourself to sleep never works.
Yes, but I have to get 7 or 8 hours of sleep or I'm not functional because of my fatigue issue. Unlike you, I'm always tired. :P I need to keep a schedule during the week. and when I find my mind racing, I do the blank page trick. I'm weird, I know.. but you love me anyway. lol
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