Hi folks! Sorry I haven't written in a while but I've been busy. I went to Las Vegas last week and had a lot of fun but probably won't go again unless I find comfortable shoes (home 5 days and feet and legs haven't recovered) and/or rent a mobility scooter. Just walking around one casino was enough. It's either that, or give me strong pain pills so I won't care. lol
Besides Vegas, I took a break from my "In My Dreams" vampire book and started another book. This one will be a ghost book and I'll incorporate some experiences I had into the book. I have a basic outline down and already wrote 8 pages of the book. Today, I sat down with that file open, ready to type in it some more when I thought I'd open the "In My Dreams" book (yes, Chelle, that's the title I'm sticking with for Grace's Story lol) and read the last chapter I wrote. I found myself typing away and have a new chapter in that book. So I guess it is official. I am writing two books at once. Right now, I think I can do it. The characters are different, the setting is different in each book and even the plots are different. The only thing the two books have in common is that dreams play a part in the two books. and if you know me or have read a few of my dreams posted here, you might understand why. lol
I have a feeling the "In My Dreams" Is close to being done. I don't have a particular ending in mind just yet or how many more chapters. but I don't think I can draw it out much more without harming the storyline. Once that book is done, I'm sure I'll reread it a few times (Chelle too lol) and tweak it to death. But once that book is done, maybe, just maybe, I'll look further into publishing. After all, that will be my second completed book.
But who knows what can happen or when. Right now, I'm just enjoying writing.
Ta Ta for now, time to get back to actual work (and maybe squeeze out a few pages of my ghost book). Thanks for reading and remember, feel free to comment. You don't have to have an account. Only requirement is the word verification to stop spam posts. lol
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