
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

When Inspiration strikes

As a writer with Rheumatoid Arthritis, I can't use pen and paper to write down my ideas for long sessions. That's why I type. When inspirations stikes, I wish I could type faster. Last time I took a typing test was at least 5 years ago and I could type 60 words per minute without mistakes. I don't know if I've gotten any faster over the years but sometimes, it's not fast enough.

I know I can only write so many words per day before my fingers give out and I can't type anymore, or my eyes go blurry from staring at the screen for so long. I used to think that it would be nice to have a software where I could say the words into a microphone and they'd appear on the screen. Even though it would save my fingers, I don't think I'd like that at all though. I like typing. I like seeing my thoughts and ideas form sentences on the screen. Then seeing those sentences become paragraphs and pages. And to think that I hated typing class in high school. I'm silly, I know.

Today, I've already written 5 new pages in my ghost book and I'm still typing away. I have ideas of upcoming scenes and have this need to get them out. No, I'm not going to type the scenes ahead of time. I like to type my book in order. It flows better that way.

so I'm furiously typing away and even while writing this post, I'm thinking about my book. speaking of which, back to it I go. lol

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