Yesterday, I woke up at 8:30 and about 10 minutes later, I started writing. The writing bug bit me hard. I wrote for four hours with only a couple of breaks to eat and use the bathroom. After four hours, I found I had written over 3000 words. Do you know how long its been since I just sat down and wrote like that for hours? I loved it! I even wrote a few opening sentences for a new book.
Then, last night around 11 something pm, I sat down and wrote some more. My new word count for the day was just under 4000 words. I enjoyed every minute of writing yesterday and will probably write some more today. Probably for the past year or so, I sneak in a few pages and write at work. of course, that time is always interrupted by work or something. So it was a really really nice to just sit at the computer and not get interrupted unless I chose to. I need to write like that some more. Just spend time at home and lose myself in whatever book I'm writing. It makes me wish I could just stay home from work and write all day. but since I'm not rich, I must work full time.
Working full time while managing to write books is sometimes difficult. I have to learn to manage my time because I don't always get a chance to write at work and I shouldn't count on that time. I have never scheduled time to write as I always thought it would block me, stop the words from flowing by being forced to write. I still think that, however, I do think I need to set aside some time every day to either read over what I wrote and/or write new stuff. I just won't punish myself if the words don't flow on their own.
I'm loving this current book and the characters with the smart ass comments. I can't always think of smart ass comments to give people in real life (Really, it's true!) so I'm thrilled the thoughts come easy in writing. lol I've been up almost 2 hours today but this blog is the only thing I've written so far. Probably because I had self induced insomnia. lol Yea, I literally read until I couldn't see straight and only got 5 hours sleep last night. then picked up the book and finished reading it this morning.
I'm hopeless when it comes to a good book.
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