I have written 8 books to completion. They have a beginning, a middle and an end. That's an accomplishment. Yes, they are not published but how many people actually write one book, let alone 8?
While I am happy that I got those stories out, I also am unhappy. You see, I also have 7 books that are in progress. I come up with an idea, start writing and then lose interest part way through. If I can't hold my own interest when writing the book, readers aren't going to want to read them at all.
I haven't written in two months. I open my book files, read them and try to come up with something new to add and I get nothing. I even opened up my idea file and decided they all suck. So now I sit here, trying to come up with a new book idea and so far, all I could think of was writing this blog.
As for my completed 8 books, I still need to get them published. I still want to go the self publishing route but I need money for it. I had promised myself to get one book published this year and yet, here it is almost the end of November and still I'm not published. The problem is money. I had saved up a lot of money at the beginning of the year, and then life happened. I had to pay a ton for dental work (really bad teeth). And once that was over, I started saving again. Then a hail storm happened and insurance decided my car was totalled. So I bought a new car and still have money left over (Hurray!). However, I'm trying to hold on to that money because I'll need more dental work next year (have to wait for insurance to reset itself) plus, any extra money I get next year will be saved for a new condo. While I love living in an apartment, it's time for me to move. Rent keeps increasing and my full time job doesn't give high enough raises.
So between my sudden car payment and trying to save money for more teeth work and possible Condo buying at the end of next year, I'm starting to lose hope that I'll get one of my books published. However, I will promise myself here and now, to push all my worries aside and save money just for publishing costs.
Until then, I'm trying to decide whether to post a first chapter of one of my books here on my blog. Do I have any readers who would want to see a chapter? I write mostly paranormal romance so if you are curious, post a comment here and let me know.