don’t normally dream of celebrities all that often. My dreams usually
have people I’ve never met before. Strangers. Well, early
this morning, I had a dream with few celebrities in it and this one creeped me
out. sounds like a movie in the making to me and knew I had to share it on my blog. So here ya go.
Baldwin sent me an email, talking about a charity lunch that a ton of stars
were going to. At first, I got excited because I thought he was going to
ask me to go but then he started talking about Anthony Hopkins and his
daughters. He was saying that they were all sweet and 9 years old.
Before I knew it, Alec was asking me to babysit Anthony's kids.
was going to say no but then I thought " hey, I'll be in a celebrity's
house. I can take lots of pictures and make up a story to explain why I
was there."
I accepted. Alec sent me the address to show up and when. I drive
there in my ford Taurus I used to have and realize, it's the place where the
charity lunch is taking place. I park the car and step out and on my way
to the building, 4 identical 9 year old blonde girls step in my path. They all
wore pretty white dresses with red sash around their waists and they had a red
ribbon in their hair.
spoke as one with one voice. "You don't belong here."
out, I stepped around them and said "how about I look for your dad and let
him decide?"
I dash into the building and find several long tables set up and people milling
about. I stopped at the first table and asked a guy where I could find
Anthony Hopkins. His voice made me turn and look at him. It was
Gerard butler with long hair. Wow. He pointed me to the right table and
I found Hopkins talking to Stephen Hawkins but Hawkins voice device wasn't
working. Instead, he had to mumble his words but Hopkins understood him
Hopkins? Hi, I'm Katie." He looks at me blankly "Alec
Baldwin said you needed a babysitter today so here I am. He sent me an
email about it. I printed it up and it's in my car. I can get it if you
want to see it. ".
won't be necessary. The girls are fine by themselves. They're just
outside and know where I am. "
you sure? I can stay and watch over them."
don't want to do that. Trust me. They are better off left alone."
okie dokie. I'll just be leaving now".
rush out to my car and see the girls on the grass kicking a red rubber school
ball back and forth to each other. They giggle and look innocent until
they all look at me at the same time. Yeah, I hurried to my car and
started it. Put it in reverse and stepped on the break, only to find the
pedal is gone. The gas pedal is gone too. The car rolls backward and I
can't stop it. I try to change gears to stop it, and the car goes forward
and bumps into another parked car. I hear laughter to the left of me and
see all four girls, standing beside my car, laughing at me.
that's when I woke up
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