
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Random Thoughts

Humans have come a long way since we first walked the earth.  We have cars, a roof over our heads that protect us from nature.   We have food and water readily available.  We don’t have to hunt for our food but some still do.  City folks don’t have to grow their own food because others will do that for them.  We have grocery stores to buy our food.   We have technology to talk to people around the world.  We can fly anywhere in the world and see far off places.   

Yes, we’ve come a long way.  BUT… and this is a big but.   We still have crime.  We still have violence.  We still have greed.  We still have hate.  We still have war.  Why?    Because humans will never change.  Yes, we walk upright, we wear fancy clothes, type on computers, keep our eyes glued to our smart phones before we drive somewhere in a fancy car.  Our technology has changed from the hammer and chisel or stone wheels or whatever.  But humans are the same from any time period.  

I’ve heard somewhere that when you are reincarnated, you have been sent back because you didn’t learn some lesson in your previous life.  If that’s true, it’s no wonder humans haven’t changed. Are we living the same lives over and over again, doomed to fail because we’ll never learn the lesson?  Will we never have peace when a person who fought a war in medieval times has been reincarnated and craves war again?  

We need new souls. They are few and far between.  We also need to learn our lesson.   War accomplishes nothing.  Violence accomplishes nothing.   People fight for what they believe in and those who don’t share the same beliefs are doomed. 
If reincarnation exists, then there will never be peace on earth because everybody will keep repeating the mistakes of the past.   

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