
Thursday, January 31, 2008


I had a shock this morning. I got on the scale still half asleep but the number I saw woke me up. It actually said 159.5 lbs!!! I was so thrilled that I ran and got the camera. set the camera down nearby and got on the scale again. this time it said 160.5. rats. LOL But I'm still recording the 159.5. I saw that number, it was real darnit! LOL I took my measurements last night. I was surprised to see the numbers go down as much as they did but I won't argue. I'll take it.

It's a good way to start the day and I don't even mind how painful my fingers are this morning from the arthritis. I do mind how cold it is though. Since I've been up, the temperature went from 5 °F to 2.2 °F / -16.6 °C . The weather weenies say it will get up to 34 °F today. I'll believe that when I see it. With the inch of snow and ice out there and the cold temperture, I guess I'll have to leave a bit early for work.
As messy and horrible traffic will be, I'll still be in a good mood. All Thanks to that number I saw on the scale briefly this morning.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What a crummy way to start a day

I booted up my computer and started loading some pictures off my camera onto the computer. I noticed the desktop background wasn't showing up so I navigated to where the picture was and it was still there. I tried to make it the background picture but it wouldn't let me. so I selected another picture and it worked fine. I opened windows explorer and started looking at the picture folder. Yea, I still had everything and my pictures loaded off the camera card just fine. I suddenly notice that there's a picture folder in my music folder. I go look there and all my pictures are there. I go back to the original picture folder and the pictures are gone.

Now, last night, I accidently moved the pictures but I caught that and pressed cancel and everything was fine. This morning, that's not the case. Crap. I tried to move the pictures back to the original location but it won't let me. And every time it gave me an error saying it wouldn't do it, my pictures disappeared!! I couldn't find them anywhere. So I did a system restore thinking that would put things back the way they were but nooooooooooo Now, I don't have any pictures at all and the ones I just uploaded off the camera were gone and they're not on the camera card either. And they were 23 new pictures of Pipsqueek being cute and active and they were adorable pictures!! and now they're gone!! Damn!

Crap. So, my computer threw up. Decided all my pictures were not worthy to be on it, I guess. So, every picture I've ever taken and acquired off the internet or created myself are gone. Stupid doodoo kaka pooopoo!!

To top it off, I tried to eat my breakfast earlier, and I nearly threw up. So I'm not having a good day already. I'm supposed to leave for work now. I'm dressed and ready to go. But if my home computer crap and how I feel are a sign of things to come. Maybe I'll just stay home. I've been sick for the past few days and still waiting to hear back from doctor's office when I contacted them yesterday. My face as gone from hot to the touch an hour ago to now it feels chilled like chicken fat. I should stay home.

Nah... I'll just go to work and if needed I'll take a half day. I was going to take a half day yesterday but didn't. I should today.
Well, gotta go. Just wanted to vent about stupid piece of crap computer. Hope the day gets better.

Change in plans... I just tried to get my coat on and couldn't even do that. I put one arm through a sleeve just fine. I put the other arm in the other sleeve and the arm came out the bottom of the coat. I tried it again and got the same result. I took the coat off and threw it on the floor. Held back the tears of frustration and said. That's it. If I can't put a coat on, I can't go to work. I picked up my cell phone to call my boss but didn't think I should talk to him while angry so I emailed him. "I had been fighting myself on whether or not to go to work since I still feel crummy and when I couldn't even put a stupid coat on myself, I decided that's it. If I can't even function enough to put a damn coat on, I shouldn't go to work. "
I'm so frustrated I want to cry.

Updated: I found the pictures! They are buried deep in a folder within another folder within another folder and on and on. C:\Users\Kd\Music\Pictures\Pictures\Pictures\Pictures\

So now, I am putting them in a zip file and I'll save it to disk or something and then try to move the pictures again. if this doesn't work, I'll just delete the blasted things. lol

Friday, January 25, 2008

Weight a minute

On January 14th, I weighed 162 lbs and that's the last time I updated my ticker below. Then stress happened. Little sleep, lots of food, lots of stress and worry, I went up to 167. Today, after a week of working, still with little sleep (except last night I did get 7 hours, Yippee!!) and forcing myself not to chow down on everything, I'm back down to 162 lbs.

My original goal was to be at 150 lbs by February 9th which is my birthday. I figured that would be the best present I could give myself. If I still want to make that goal, I'd have to lose 12 pounds in 2 weeks which I just know aint gonna happen. But If I can get down to 154, I'd be thrilled. Why 154? Because then I could have that even number of 80.

I'll work at it and see what I can lose. Hopefully, the arthritis won't be too bad and I can actually do more exercise. On my February 9th, I'll post here to tell you what my weight is. I'll also give you my decision about whether to continue the weight loss to try to get down to a number in the 140 range. Heck, I may decide to lose as much as I can before march 28th. March 28th will be my 1 year anniversary of when I started this weight loss battle.

As good as it feels to have lost all this weight, I have to remember. I may be winning the battle but the war will never be one. I will constantly fight with weight for the rest of my life. Or at least until I reach that moment of utter defeat for when I truly give up. I can't say that won't happen because in a nother 20 years, I probably won't give a damn about weight. LOL

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Update on Mom

my dad sent an email earlier "Dr. visited at 5PM. Mom will be on Diuretics and two heart meds,one for blood pressure control the other for heart rate control and Heparinto thin her blood. The underlying cause(s) are fluid build up, uncontrolledfibrillation hat might be fixed with a small shock later when she is morestable and a partially occluded heart artery. There will be a heart cathlater when the blood thinner levels are finally adjusted to address the POSSIBLE blockage. She might go home tomorrow."

Of course we all want to know what has caused this episode and heart trouble and just saying fluid build up is not a cause. what caused the fluid build up? I'm keeping quiet but one sister and my aunt have replied to all asking those questions and they feel like the cardiologist is just treating the symptoms and not looking for the source. To us, this means that mom will go home thinking nothing is wrong and she'll go back to her old ways.

I know my mom wants to come home but we all feel (except maybe dad of course) that she should stay there in the hospital another couple of days so they can find the darn cause of this crud. She's never had a heart attack and there's no scarring on her heart (test says so). so we know that's not a cause. If it's a blockage, they need to look for it and find that now instead of putting it off. She was supposed to have a Trans Esophogeal Electrocardigram test today but they cancelled that for unknown reasons. It's a good hospital, but either Dad isn't telling us everything or the doctor is not doing everything.

I haven't seen Mom today, I was a walking zombie all through work and felt I needed to go directly home instead of to hospital. Even now, I'm just too tired to think anymore..

I give up on trying to understand anything.. I'll just step away from the computer and maybe go to bed 3 hours early.

Waiting for News

UPDATED: LATEST EMAIL FROM DAD.... Dr. (Cardiologist) put Mom on 2.o liters of Oxygen down from 7.5 liters as a test and wants her to walk the hallway to see what happens.Will continue meds to reduce fluid build up. Stress test showed no scar onthe heart, no heart attack. Heart rate down to 100 or so.No T.E.E. procedure, cancelled. Will continue on blood thinner. MAY be sprung tomorrow, with more tests to come after getting stabilized with all her new meds. Lunch now after another 18 hour fast, then shower."


Below are just a few email updates from my Dad who got his laptop going at the hospital yesterday. We are basically still waiting for news from the doctors. Waiting Sucks! I didn't sleep well last night. Got to sleep around midnight and woke up at 4:15 am. I kept dreaming that my cell phone was ringing and I even got up at 1:45am to check my cell phone (no calls). Here I am at work, until 4pm (hopefully I can leave at 3pm but still waiting for word from boss who is in an airplane on his way to headquarters). Once I leave work, I'll go directly over to the hospital to see Mom and visit with her. I'll cut the visit short tonight since I know I'm going to be so exhausted by then.

When I saw Mom last night, her color appeared better and she could go up to 1000 on the breathing spirometer thinga-ma-jig. Her heart rate was still high but she appeared to be better already. I hope she continues to feel better. I'll post more when I hear anything, if I'm still awake, that is.

Email from 8:30am 1-22-08
Nothing new from the doctors as of 8 AM. Mom slept well but still has a high pulse rate. Hoping to see a cardiologist sooooon. The Trans Esophogeal Electrocardigram procedure is pending.... No food since 6 PM lastnight...again.... will update when things change.

Email from 2:45pm 1-21-08
Mom had her PIC dressing and site cleaned and redressed. Then had a shotof Heparin and a dose of Levaquin (antibiotic). We are waiting for resultsfrom stress test. The Cardiologist will read after hours, he's in his officeright now.

Email from 2pm 1-21-08
Mom had a resting stress test this morning, the active test was cancelledby the doctor. She is scheduled for a "T.E.E" Trans Esophogeal Elecrocaridgram tomorrow morning. Her heart muscle is weak, the heart rateat 132 at lunch time.She's taking Potassium, LASIX, Furosemide,Digoxin, Vasotec, Aldactone,Coumadin (Wafrin) and a few other things, I missed in additin to her regularmeds.There is talk of a heart cath, but it won't happen while her blood thinnerid high. The cath may show a blockage or other problem that will be addressed. It's hard to digest the info as it comes fast & furious. I'll piece more together as best I can.

Monday, January 21, 2008

I cried today...

I just got off the phone with my sister. They can't do the stress test because her heart is too weak due to a blockage. They can't go in and see where the blockage is via angiogram because she's on Blood thinners and they can't stop the blood thinners completely because of what's going on with her heart. They will take her off most of the blood thinners so that they can do angiogram. And if her heart rate doesn't go down today, they will shock her tomorrow to force it to sort of reset the heart rhythm.

The doctor said that given what my sisters told the doctor (stuff that my mom failed to mention), he thinks the blockage has been there for awhile. This means my mom ignored her damn health for years. Once they can get in and see where the blockage is and what kind it is, they'll know more and "if" they can even fix it. That was the doctor's wording. If...

That sent me to tears. My mom ignored her health and ignored the signs that something was wrong and because of it, her heart problems may be too bad to be fixed. It may be too late. So my sister and I cried for a minute on the phone together. then I thought I had my tears under control. Then she told me that Dad was up way too early this morning and he was wandering around the house, crying. That set me off again.

For years and years, my mom has always been after my dad to go to the doctor for every little thing and I've told her to go to the doctor or to ask her own doctor about stuff she'd ask me about. But did she ever discuss any of her own breathing issues or pains or bodily issues with her doctor? No. She ignored it. I'm so pissed off at her and myself as well.

So here I sit. Crying as I type. trying to digest the news. anger and sadness run rampant through me. I want to go see her but I don't think I should since I've had a runny nose all morning long. If I'm catching a cold, I don't want to spread any germs on her. On the plus side, Mom is feeling a bit better. The diuretics they gave her are working and she can breath a bit better. Yesterday she could only go up to 500 on the spirometer but today she can go up to 1000. I believe it's supposed to be around 2000 for healthy people. She did have a really horrrible bloody nose this morning and another doctor (ear, nose and throat doc) is going to see her to see what to do about that. 2nd bloody nose in 2 days.

Tears have dried a bit now, at least for a few minutes. I need the courage to go over there and see her. My sister says even if I am getting a cold, just make sure I don't breath on her. But I think I'm too afraid to step into the hospital again. I'll wait a couple of hours and then see if I can gather up the strength and courage to go see her. It is evident now that she is not coming home this week.

on no, here come the tears again.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

When a loved one is hurting

Friday the 18th, I was sitting at my desk at work and checked my email. One of my sister's said that Mom had been having breathing difficulties all week and is going to the urgent care clinic and then added at the end that parents changed their minds and were going to the Emergency room instead. So I waited impatiently for more news. About 20 minutes later, my sister called and said they were going to admit my mom into the hospital for Atrial Fiberillation. So I ran out of the office, drove down in record time to my aunt's house, picked her up and made it to the hospital to check on mom. Her resting heart rate was about 135 when I got there. When she got to ER it was 160. Normal resting heart rate is 60 to 80 beats per minute. Yesterday, her blood pressure was 174 over 93. So, lots of blood tests, x-rays, an EKG, an echocardigram, lots of medications, and impatiently waiting for more news... Today, I found out it's congestive heart failure but they still need to find out why and what the cause is. So there she lies, in the hospital bed, getting treated and not getting any sleep, waiting for more news and for numbers to go down. When I left today, her heart rate was about 105 and her blood pressure was 133 over 85. So while the medications they are giving her are making the numbers go down, she still doesn't feel any better. Shallow breathing and she can't catch her breathe, so she's been on oxygen since she got there.

Tomorrow, she'll undergo a medicated stress test since she can't take a normal stress test on a treadmill. She's exhausted and now nauseous from the potassium drink they give her. My dad is worried sick and ignoring his own health. Mom is 65 and dad is 63. They have been married since April 3, 1962. so 45 years together. We are all used to seeing my dad in and out of hospitals for various reasons and while my mom has had her share of hospital visits, this is unusual for her. So it's hard on all of us to see Mom like this and especially hard on my Dad. When you are married that long, your souls become so intertwined that when something like this happens, both of them feel it. So we have to watch out for Dad's well being too.

I know one sister has cried a lot and I know everybody is worried sick and scared as hell. I haven't cried which is a shock. I'm normally the one to cry about anything. I can feel the sobs that are stuck in my throat. I can feel the tears well up in my eyes. but it receeds into the abyss and nothing happens. I am so scared that my mom won't follow the doctors instructions (no salt, sodium in anything, no more alcohol, and that's going to be the hardest on her). My mom is not an alcoholic by my definition but she has a drink nearly every day. She doesn't get to the drunk stage, just lightly buzzed. And I already heard her joke with the nurse to have them add tequila to the potassium liquid they make her drink.

I can't think straight. I can't seem to do any writing of my books or poetry. I just find myself sitting here at the computer, staring at it, or staring at the tv. I haven't even been to my usual forums and online friends except one spot. A quick hello and a huge thank you to my PTU family. You guys are the best and without you, I would truly be lost right now.
Since I haven't been to my usual sites, I thought I'd post everything here in case anyone actually does read my blog. I would never know since nobody ever comments on here even though I have open commenting so anybody in the world can comment. Just a pet peeve of mine regarding not hearing from people but that started with family and I'm trying my damnedest to stop that habbit and pet peeve. But come on, People!! Just post something, will ya?! Otherwise what's the bloomin' point of this blog?!!

sorry, sorry... didn't mean for to type that.. Like I said, can't think straight. How did a post about my mom turn into a complaint about comments? Geez... maybe I'm the one who needs a drink. I have wine that's been sitting in my pantry for over a year. Maybe I'll use it...

Anyways, if I hear anything new today, I'll post an update here and on PTU. Thanks to any readers for actually reading my babble.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Ghost of Abigail Jones

Welcome to my blog. Pull up a chair and let me tell you a story. Or rather, a dream. I have the most detailed and bizarre dreams. To some, they seem terrifying. But not to me. I enjoy my dreams and I really enjoyed this one when I dreamt it and when I wrote it all down. Someday, I will make a book out of this so I'm sorry folks but no one is allowed to copy it and make a book or do anything with it except for me. Until that happens, enjoy the dreams of a writer's twisted mind.

Dream Sept 24, 2007

The dream started with me walking thru a huge building. I believe it was an abandoned college and I was walking thru a hallway sticking my head in the doors of the empty classrooms. Walls were grey and the doors were wooden, light reddish color. It’s not quite nighttime yet, the sun hasn’t set so it is still light enough in the college that flashlights aren’t needed. A group of people is ahead of me about 40 feet away and they are taking pictures and talking. A voice behind me asks, “So, what’s the history with this place?” I turn and it’s Cheryl from work, her desk is right next to mine. I stand beside her as she looks inside a classroom.

I say “This place was abandoned 50 years ago because the students kept dropping out or transferring and they couldn’t get new students to come here. What little new students they got, left pretty quickly.”

“Why?” Cheryl asks.

I pull out photos from my bag that is hanging diagonally across my shoulder. “This is why.” I show Cheryl the photos and point out the oddities. “Do you see this shape right here? What does it look like to you?”

Cheryl replies “A woman. Must have been a developing error.”

“Can’t be that. These were taken from a digital camera.” I pause and pull out a picture of a painting. It’s a woman from the 18th century. “This is Abigail Jones. She died in sometime in the 1780’s, we can’t find the exact year. Story has it that Abigail’s husband built a house right where this college is now. Abigail and her husband were the perfect couple at first but then she caught her husband cheating on her so she sought revenge. She wanted the revenge to be painful in every way she could think of so she contacted a local voodoo queen and asked for a curse. The exact wording of the curse was lost over time but the story says that the voodoo queen worded the curse in such a way that if the husband really wasn’t cheating on her, then Abigail would be the one cursed and not the husband. Abigail would have to pay for being wrong. We’re not sure of what happened next but it is said that a scream was heard coming from the house. A neighbor saw the husband running from the house, never to be seen again. The neighbor went inside to check on Abigail and was found the next day with a look of terror upon his dead face. No one knows what happened to Abigail but she was never seen again either. At least, not in the flesh.”

I smirked at Cheryl who looked at me and said “Oh nice, Katie. Great story but what really happened?”

I laughed and said “Actually, that is the story that was handed down thru the neighbors family for generations. I heard the story myself from the last family member, a little old woman of 90. She has her own theories of what happened but wouldn’t share them with me.” I went thru the stack of pictures and as I was looking, a hand brushed on my arm. I look around me and didn’t see anybody around but I didn’t say anything so that I didn’t frighten Cheryl. I go back to the photos and find the ones I want. I pull them out and show Cheryl. “Now look at these pictures. I took these myself. What do you see?”

Cheryl looked at the pictures carefully and then went thru them again. Finally she speaks up. “This first one, I see a face, there on the railing. This one here, I see a profile of a woman, no details just shadow. And this one here…”

Cheryl pauses to pull out one photo to the top as a woman walks by us. She didn’t make a sound, no sound of footsteps, no swish of clothes, nothing. The woman is wearing faded blue jeans and a black short sleeve top and her hair is dark, dark black and falls to her upper back between the shoulder blades.

Cheryl continues, “This one, I think it’s a problem with the picture itself. Maybe an old picture was left on the memory card and made its way onto this picture? It looks like a woman to me.” Cheryl pauses again to get a closer look, I spot the woman with black hair stopped in the door way of a classroom 10 feet away. Cheryl goes on, “It’s a woman with black hair, and if it’s a ghost, it can’t be Abigail because the clothes are all wrong. This woman is wearing blue jeans and a black shirt, and look at the hair style. Women of that era did not wear their hair like this.” Cheryl stops because she noticed I’m not looking at the picture anymore. I’m watching that lady in the door way who has her back to us. Cheryl doesn’t notice the resemblance to the woman in the photo so I mouth the word “Look” and point to the picture and then to the woman. Cheryl looks several times from the woman to the picture and back again. Cheryl says “But that’s impossible. It’s just a coincidence. She’s not a ghost, she’s solid.”

The woman in the doorway slowly turns towards us and walks to us in a way that radiates evil to me. She stops about 1 foot away from me says in a low voice “Mind if I look?” Cheryl turns the picture around and shows the woman who then chuckles in a low voice. “Of course you got me from my bad side. Maybe this will help clear your doubts.” Suddenly the woman’s face turns evil like this picture and she screams at us, a horrible roar like scream.

Cheryl and I both scream and run down the hallway past the group of people and down to the first floor but we get lost and can’t find the front door. We ran right into another woman. I don’t know this woman, she has blonde hair down to her ears and the hair is kind of on the curly poofy side. The woman says “Stop! You’re going the wrong way. I’ll show you the exit. She can’t get you once you are outside.”

I ask this new lady “Who are you and how do you know she can’t get us outside?”

We follow the woman and she responds. “My name isn’t important but I know who you are running from. I know her very well for I have been trying to stop her for countless eons. She is trapped in this building. She can’t step foot outside. And before you ask, yes, that once was Abigail but it’s not anymore. The physical features are Abigail but that entity is far older and far more evil than Abigail ever was. Tell me, did she touch you?”

I respond, “I felt someone touch my arm but I couldn’t see who did it.”

The lady responds, “yes, it was her. You must get out of here now before it’s too late! Did she speak to you? Did you see her?”

I tell her what happened upstairs and what made us run in terror. The lady continues, “So, she has chosen you then. It’s imperative that you leave. Now!”

“Chosen me? For what?” The lady doesn’t respond, so I grab her arm and repeat “What has she chosen me for?!”

“I’ll tell you once we are outside. Now come!”

Cheryl, the new lady and I are running now, down another hallway and its getting darker outside so light is dwindling inside. I spot the evil entity standing in a doorway like she was upstairs. I point a shaky hand at her and the new lady, whispers to us, “Don’t stop! Go! Hurry!” We manage to get by the entity but just as we pass her, she steps out of the door way and is now behind us. I continue running but with my head turned to watch this entity. The entity runs up to me and just as she reaches me, her face turns from this picture to something far worse. And that is when I woke up. I could feel the terror of seeing that face, hearing that roar like scream and running down a hallway and being chased thru an abandoned college that is growing darker and darker. No wonder I didn’t go back to sleep after that.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

One Weirdo's Dream

I thought I'd post one of my dreams here for people to read. This is my latest one and if you like it, then I'll post some of my older wackier dreams. This dream in particular is actually more normal than I'm used to. I figured that I'd start with a tame dream first and if you want more, please comment and I'll post one. Name a topic and I've probably dreamt about it. Anywhere from werewolves and vampires, to celebrities to giant worms and even a ghost one that scared the crap out of me. LOL I may post that one anyway because I really liked it. It could be it's own story. But for now, here's the safe dream. Enjoy! And have some weird dreams!!

Dream January 8, 2008

My Aunt Kathy, Mom and I are sitting in the living room (at the old house in Aurora from over 26 years ago but we’re current age). Kathy is on the couch which is under the living room window, Mom is sitting to the right of the window in a regular chair. I’m pacing the floor, impatiently waiting for a package to arrive. Mom tells me to sit down and quit pacing but I ignore her.

Then Kathy and Mom start laughing about something and walk into the kitchen. I hear a loud stomp and scrape come from outside. I run to the living room window and lean on the couch to look outside. There’s a 50 foot tall plastic man type thing with round head, pointy ears on top of head and an oblong body with round arms and legs. He’s a dark grey in color and is pushing a massive sheet of metal down the street. He’s using it scrape the wax off (about a 1 foot deep) the road. Kathy and Mom come join me at the window and we talk about the wax scraper and watch it as it leaves. I believe this part of the dream happened because the snow plows kept going back and forth right outside my window. So I heard them in my sleep and then again after I woke up.

Kathy and Mom go back into the kitchen and I squeal in delight as I notice the mailman come walking up the sidewalk to the door with my box. I run to the door screaming like a fool "It’s here! It’s here!" I quickly sign for the box and take it from the guy and run upstairs. I put the box on the coffee table as Mom and Kathy join me.

I rip open the box to reveal my book. I can see the title ‘Not Alone’ and a house with a light coming from it on the cover. There’s 50 copies of it and I giggle and get teary eyed as I hand out copies to Mom and Kathy. I start looking through the book and right away, Kathy notices an error. Right on the front cover is a misspelling. They put an ‘A’ in my last name when it should be an 'E'. I start crying and call my editor right away and start yelling at him about the level of incompetence and who was the idiot to let this happen. The editor started fumbling for words but before he could explain himself, I woke up.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Random Writing Thoughts

Yesterday, as I was typing up a few pages on book #2, I realized something. I don't give enough details in my writing. That's why book #1 is only 62,400 words. I already knew that I had to add something to that book to make it longer, but I was thinking in terms of a scene or something. Now I know that I have to go back and see what is lacking detailed information.

Now that I know about details, I hope I am more thorough with the second book. However, I also realized that my vocabulary is lacking something. Yes, I've read hundreds of books and have seen how different authors word things but I didn't retain any of it that I know of. So I must expand my vocabulary while expanding my stories all while working my full-time 45 hour per week job. It's a good thing I didn't give myself any set in stone deadlines.

I may post a new word or two in random blogs and I may give myself an exercise in detail writing and post that here too. I did wonder if it would help if I imagined that I was going to describe something to a blind person or even a deaf person. Upon thinking about it, that may get me in the right direction but I don't think I want to be too descriptive as that will bore readers. Probably the way I'm boring you. LOL

Ah well. I'll leave you now to go about your daily life. Just a reminder, go ahead and leave a comment and tell me what you think. If you think I'm a wackjob, well, I already know that so it's old news. LOL
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

First post on a new blog

Hello to everyone out there in cyber land. Welcome to my blog. Since this is the first post on here, let me introduce myself. My name is Katie, I'm 36 and live in Colorado and I have lived here all my life. I have an associates degree in computer science. I work as the Helpdesk at my office location and I've been doing it since November 1998.

When my 5th grade teacher introduced the class to poetry, I was hooked and I've been writing poems ever since then. I've lost quite a few of them but I have some from 2004 through today. Every once in a while I will post a poem (new or old) in case anybody would like to see them. I have written a fictional novel and it's about 90% done, including editing. However, I realized that the book is not long enough to be considered a book and I must add at least 20,000 words to it. I have also started a second book and I can't wait to see where it will go.

I call my blog The Dream Writer because not only am I writer, but I have fanatasically bizarre dreams that nobody else seems to have. I have my dreams saved into a journal and the people I've shared it with, think I'm both insane and lucky. Some people consider me lucky for having such weird dreams and remembering them. Others (myself included) think I'm just plain nuts.
Perhaps I'll share a few dreams with you and let you decide.

A quick warning about me. I tend to babble and ramble on about nothing quite a bit. So sometimes I have to just force myself to stop typing and sometimes I delete all that I've typed because nothing made sense. So if you catch me rambling on about something, feel free to let me know.

Speaking of rambling, I think I'll end this post now. Feel free to comment just to let me know that humans have actually read my blog. I look forward to reading about you all.

Ta Ta