
Thursday, January 31, 2008


I had a shock this morning. I got on the scale still half asleep but the number I saw woke me up. It actually said 159.5 lbs!!! I was so thrilled that I ran and got the camera. set the camera down nearby and got on the scale again. this time it said 160.5. rats. LOL But I'm still recording the 159.5. I saw that number, it was real darnit! LOL I took my measurements last night. I was surprised to see the numbers go down as much as they did but I won't argue. I'll take it.

It's a good way to start the day and I don't even mind how painful my fingers are this morning from the arthritis. I do mind how cold it is though. Since I've been up, the temperature went from 5 °F to 2.2 °F / -16.6 °C . The weather weenies say it will get up to 34 °F today. I'll believe that when I see it. With the inch of snow and ice out there and the cold temperture, I guess I'll have to leave a bit early for work.
As messy and horrible traffic will be, I'll still be in a good mood. All Thanks to that number I saw on the scale briefly this morning.

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