
Friday, July 29, 2011

Hi guys!

It's been a long week. who knew that being home from work would be so stressful and busy. lol Short version, I'll be home another week but I'm hoping to go back on August 8th. But time will tell.

since I am home from work for a bit longer, I decided to try to get back into writing after the two week or so break from my book and due to life events. so tonight I wrote 2 and half pages in my ghost book and I do think the book is nearing an end but I still haven't quite decided how I want to end it. i can't go into details yet because that would give it away.

I think I will just let the characters "tell" me how it should end. I already have an idea but not sure if I want to follow through with it. Guess we'll all just have to wait and see. Out of the three books I have written, i think this one is my favorite so far. of course, i liked the last one too. so maybe my next book will be my favorite. lol I'm hopeless.

Just wanted to let any readers know that I am here, I am still writing and always will be. As for dreams, lately, I haven't remembered much of my dreams. All I remember from last night is drinking a regular Coke and enjoying every minute of it. which is odd since I don't like regualr coke. lol oh well, maybe as I continue to get better, I'll dream more and remember them. when I do remember, you know I will post them here.

Until then, ta ta!

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