
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Self Publishing thoughts

I'm interrupting my camping stories posts for a few thoughts on self publishing. I do want to go that route but the cost is going to be hard to swallow. I haven't researched the different companies yet because there's no use since I can't afford it.

When I can self publish, I'll have three books to choose from (third one is in progress). If I had to choose today, I'd choose the in progress one just because I'm enjoying to so much. I'd love to publish all three but unless I win the lottery or come into a lot of money, I'll have to stick with just publish one book for now. I want to do self publishing right and to do it right, isn't cheap.

Now with the cost in my mind, I have been thinking about something lately. I can put a paypal link on here and accept donations towards the cost of self publishing. However, since I don't get a lot of comments or readers, would it actually be a useful thing or not?

Maybe I'll give it some time and let the idea rattle around in my head for a while. What do you guys think?

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