
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Waiting for News

UPDATED: LATEST EMAIL FROM DAD.... Dr. (Cardiologist) put Mom on 2.o liters of Oxygen down from 7.5 liters as a test and wants her to walk the hallway to see what happens.Will continue meds to reduce fluid build up. Stress test showed no scar onthe heart, no heart attack. Heart rate down to 100 or so.No T.E.E. procedure, cancelled. Will continue on blood thinner. MAY be sprung tomorrow, with more tests to come after getting stabilized with all her new meds. Lunch now after another 18 hour fast, then shower."


Below are just a few email updates from my Dad who got his laptop going at the hospital yesterday. We are basically still waiting for news from the doctors. Waiting Sucks! I didn't sleep well last night. Got to sleep around midnight and woke up at 4:15 am. I kept dreaming that my cell phone was ringing and I even got up at 1:45am to check my cell phone (no calls). Here I am at work, until 4pm (hopefully I can leave at 3pm but still waiting for word from boss who is in an airplane on his way to headquarters). Once I leave work, I'll go directly over to the hospital to see Mom and visit with her. I'll cut the visit short tonight since I know I'm going to be so exhausted by then.

When I saw Mom last night, her color appeared better and she could go up to 1000 on the breathing spirometer thinga-ma-jig. Her heart rate was still high but she appeared to be better already. I hope she continues to feel better. I'll post more when I hear anything, if I'm still awake, that is.

Email from 8:30am 1-22-08
Nothing new from the doctors as of 8 AM. Mom slept well but still has a high pulse rate. Hoping to see a cardiologist sooooon. The Trans Esophogeal Electrocardigram procedure is pending.... No food since 6 PM lastnight...again.... will update when things change.

Email from 2:45pm 1-21-08
Mom had her PIC dressing and site cleaned and redressed. Then had a shotof Heparin and a dose of Levaquin (antibiotic). We are waiting for resultsfrom stress test. The Cardiologist will read after hours, he's in his officeright now.

Email from 2pm 1-21-08
Mom had a resting stress test this morning, the active test was cancelledby the doctor. She is scheduled for a "T.E.E" Trans Esophogeal Elecrocaridgram tomorrow morning. Her heart muscle is weak, the heart rateat 132 at lunch time.She's taking Potassium, LASIX, Furosemide,Digoxin, Vasotec, Aldactone,Coumadin (Wafrin) and a few other things, I missed in additin to her regularmeds.There is talk of a heart cath, but it won't happen while her blood thinnerid high. The cath may show a blockage or other problem that will be addressed. It's hard to digest the info as it comes fast & furious. I'll piece more together as best I can.

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