
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What a crummy way to start a day

I booted up my computer and started loading some pictures off my camera onto the computer. I noticed the desktop background wasn't showing up so I navigated to where the picture was and it was still there. I tried to make it the background picture but it wouldn't let me. so I selected another picture and it worked fine. I opened windows explorer and started looking at the picture folder. Yea, I still had everything and my pictures loaded off the camera card just fine. I suddenly notice that there's a picture folder in my music folder. I go look there and all my pictures are there. I go back to the original picture folder and the pictures are gone.

Now, last night, I accidently moved the pictures but I caught that and pressed cancel and everything was fine. This morning, that's not the case. Crap. I tried to move the pictures back to the original location but it won't let me. And every time it gave me an error saying it wouldn't do it, my pictures disappeared!! I couldn't find them anywhere. So I did a system restore thinking that would put things back the way they were but nooooooooooo Now, I don't have any pictures at all and the ones I just uploaded off the camera were gone and they're not on the camera card either. And they were 23 new pictures of Pipsqueek being cute and active and they were adorable pictures!! and now they're gone!! Damn!

Crap. So, my computer threw up. Decided all my pictures were not worthy to be on it, I guess. So, every picture I've ever taken and acquired off the internet or created myself are gone. Stupid doodoo kaka pooopoo!!

To top it off, I tried to eat my breakfast earlier, and I nearly threw up. So I'm not having a good day already. I'm supposed to leave for work now. I'm dressed and ready to go. But if my home computer crap and how I feel are a sign of things to come. Maybe I'll just stay home. I've been sick for the past few days and still waiting to hear back from doctor's office when I contacted them yesterday. My face as gone from hot to the touch an hour ago to now it feels chilled like chicken fat. I should stay home.

Nah... I'll just go to work and if needed I'll take a half day. I was going to take a half day yesterday but didn't. I should today.
Well, gotta go. Just wanted to vent about stupid piece of crap computer. Hope the day gets better.

Change in plans... I just tried to get my coat on and couldn't even do that. I put one arm through a sleeve just fine. I put the other arm in the other sleeve and the arm came out the bottom of the coat. I tried it again and got the same result. I took the coat off and threw it on the floor. Held back the tears of frustration and said. That's it. If I can't put a coat on, I can't go to work. I picked up my cell phone to call my boss but didn't think I should talk to him while angry so I emailed him. "I had been fighting myself on whether or not to go to work since I still feel crummy and when I couldn't even put a stupid coat on myself, I decided that's it. If I can't even function enough to put a damn coat on, I shouldn't go to work. "
I'm so frustrated I want to cry.

Updated: I found the pictures! They are buried deep in a folder within another folder within another folder and on and on. C:\Users\Kd\Music\Pictures\Pictures\Pictures\Pictures\

So now, I am putting them in a zip file and I'll save it to disk or something and then try to move the pictures again. if this doesn't work, I'll just delete the blasted things. lol

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