
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Parachutes are not just fashion statements

Last night, I had one of my weird dreams.  It's been a while so I was glad to have one.   I dreamed that a bunch of my facebook friends, Dad and I were patients in an asylum.   It was our groups turn for a field trip and we all went out for the day.  I think we were on top of a mesa somewhere.   For normal people, it would have been boring but we were patients and having fun!   I was looking around and spotted Dad and a blonde chic running for the cliff.  They had parachutes on their back and they leaped off the cliff.  I ran to the cliff and looked down and watched them fall.  
I turned to nobody behind me, held my hand up and said "Um, excuse me but two people just jumped off the cliff."  
I turned back to watch the two falling and I guess they forgot they had parachutes on.  yea, they didn't use them.  They both hit the ground with a splat (they failed the bounce test). Dad didn't survive but the blonde did.   I could faintly hear her say "That was fun! Let's do it again!"  
I look back at my fellow patients and some were dancing, others were catching "things"   and a couple were laughing.   They were oblivious to the two people that leaped off the cliff.  
somebody in the group told me they had a ball and I ran over to play ball with them.    That's when I woke up.  lol 
I know it's not as long or detailed as my usual weird dreams but still, I'm glad to have the dreams again and remember them.    I think the point of the dream is to remind me to use my parachute. It's not just on your back to make a fashion statement. LOL

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