
Saturday, August 6, 2011


Ah sleep. that elusive thing that we all crave every night. Since I have been on leave of absence from work, my sleep schedule is totally screwed up. Here it is, : AM and I'm not sleepy. I have chased my cat around the apartment. I played catch the red devil with him (laser beam). now I'm listening to my ipod and swaying and dancing to music in my living room.

This has to change and soon. I go back to work on Monday and I can't really show up all exhausted and sleepy. So I thought that tonight, since I'm not tired, I may as well stay awake all night. maybe nap tomorrow and go to bed at my "normal" time and get up Sunday morning at my normal work time. I need to try get back to my usual sleeping schedule.

But not tonight... tonight, I dance! with the blinds closed of course.. lol

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