
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Books Books Books

Today, I wrote an epic scene in my third book. A major scene. and I'm pretty proud of it. I just have to write an epilogue for the book, wrap it up and I'll have three written books under belt.

With the first book I wrote, I was proud of it. Couldn't wait to get it published. Then I started my second book and that one was my favorite and I wanted it to be published first. With this third one, I definitely want it published before the other two.

I enjoyed writing all three books. I love the act of sitting at a computer and letting the words fly without a lot of forethought. With each book I wrote, I didn't plan things out (except for the epic scene I just wrote in the third book). While I did think about how I wanted each book, each scene to go, I did not sit down and plan things out. I just wrote. and I love that I can do that.

Thinking about publishing... I was thinking that next year, I could take a small loan out to pay for self-publishing. I don't think I can handle going through agents and getting rejection after rejection. Self-publishing is what I want and I want to do it right. To do it right, costs money. But oh to see my name on the cover of a book, to see people enjoy the book and want more, to have that feeling of accomplishment even if readers don't like what I write. My books aren't for everyone. But people who read them enjoy them. I enjoy them. and I can't wait to get this ghost book published.

A week ago, I wrote down book ideas for my next book. I'll have to go back and read over those ideas again and decide which one to use next. I have written 2 vampire books and 1 ghost book. What will the 4th one be? Only time will tell.

edit: My editor tells me to go back and read my post. okay I did, now what? LOL yea yea yea, I made a couple of corrections

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