
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Beauty Within

Good morning ladies and germs. lol It's going to be another long day in the world of work. Last night, I was in bed trying to get to sleep at a decent hour. From out of nowhere, words started popping into my head. Random words that formed sentences that writers love. I tried my best to set those words aside and go to sleep. Really, I did! But sometimes, the words will not be denied. Lucky for me, I had my ipad on the night stand next to me so I didn't even have to get out of bed.

So, here are the words that invaded my head... Could it be the makings of a short story or yet another book? Time will tell

There once was a girl who lived with pain, worries and sadness. She wished every night that the next day would be better and she'd smile again. She began to dream of a man to help her through her time of need. He would come night after night and free her of her pain. He brought her laughter and happiness and vowed to help her further. She found the days easier as her energy grew fueled by the happiness her stranger of the night gave her. She could walk without the pain that she knew so well. She could even run if she chose to. She became healthier, inside and out and wondered how to repay the man for the gift he'd given her.

One night, her dream man visited her as he always does. He stood her before a large mirror as he stood behind her.

"Gaze into the mirror and tell me what you see." The dream whispered into her ear.

"I see a woman. She's happy and free." She replied. "Tell me, what do you see?"

"I see the beauty of your heart, your body and soul."

"I have you to thank for this. But what can I give you in return?" She asked as she gazed into the eyes of the man's reflection.

"There is but one gift I could receive from you." The man turned the woman to face him. "There is a hidden beauty within your blood. Give that to me and you will be mine."

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