
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The magic of completion

I finished writing my forth book Sunday. As I typed up the final words and read what I wrote, I sat back and breathed a heavy sigh. There is just something about knowing you put a story on paper, put words to the thoughts in your head and made madness make sense. I have written four books. Yes, I know the books still need a lot of work. Editing, more details added, rewritten, etc. But in essence the books are complete.

I already started my fifth book yesterday. I wrote 3000 words. So yea, this book is off to a great start. now my last book, I wrote in 3 months. That is a new record for me and it just shows how much I was really into it. This next one, is going to be different than my others so who knows, maybe I'll get it done even faster.

And yes, Michelle, I will try not to add so much sappiness to this new book. But you know, I won't be able to resist. lol

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